Assuming the normal adding it to the web config and bin folders after the fact does not work for you there are a couple of possibilities for you in the current framework:
If you don't mind altering the web configs, but need to store the module outside the bin you can use System.Web.PreApplicationStartMethod to register a handler for AppDomain.AssemblyResolve event then have the event handler load and return the type
If you don't want to mod the web.config or need your events to be at the top of the stack like you would get by GACing it and altering the machine level web config you can use System.Web.PreApplicationStartMethod to get code to run on startup just by being in the bin directory then use Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure.DynamicModuleHelper.DynamicModuleUtility.RegisterModule from the MVC Razor libraries. Doing this gives you about the same result as being the last module in the machine module list.
If you don't want to mod the web config and need to be earlier in the event stack then you need to do something to re-order the event handlers. I needed to do this once to try and debug something that was swallowing errors. A little poking about in reflector and I came up with this function to get the existing event handlers
Dim t As Type = target.[GetType]()
Public Function GetEventSubscribers(ByVal target As Object, ByVal eventName As String) As [Delegate]()
Dim w = CType(t.GetField("_events", BindingFlags.Instance Or BindingFlags.Static Or BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue(target), System.ComponentModel.EventHandlerList)
Dim k = t.GetFields(BindingFlags.[Static] Or BindingFlags.Instance Or BindingFlags.NonPublic).Where(Function(x) x.Name.StartsWith("Event" & eventName)).Select(Function(x) x.GetValue(target)).ToList()
Dim d() As [Delegate] = k.SelectMany(Function(x)
If w(x) Is Nothing Then
New [Delegate]() {}
Return w(x).GetInvocationList()
End If
End Function).ToArray
Return d
End Function
If you pass the HttpApplication instance to it with an EventName you get all the registered handler delegates, which will allow you to call RemoveEventHandler() on each of them.
If you do that to the error event, then add your own handler, then re-add the pre-existing delegates in the correct order then your handler fires first, before any of the other handlers has a chance to mangle the even state and the rest of the application seems to be none the wiser as long as you don't alter the event state yourself.