What This Question Is Not About
This question is not about how to auto-close a file with File#close or the File#open block syntax. It's a question about where Ruby stores its list of open file descriptors at runtime.
The Actual Question
If you have a program with open descriptors, but you don't have access to the related File or IO object, how can you find a reference to the currently-open file descriptors? Take this example:
%x( touch "#{filename}" )
filehandle = File.open(filename)
The first File instance is opened, but the reference to the object is not stored in a variable. The second instance is stored in filehandle, where I can easily access it with #inspect or #close.
However, the discarded File object isn't gone; it's just not accessible in any obvious way. Until the object is finalized, Ruby must be keeping track of it somewhere...but where?