Is it possible to build a form from 2 joined entity objects?

I have two entities property & propertylanguage which are joined on onetomany relation. (One property can have many languages)

Language has a title and description colomns. So one property can have a english, french, german title.

I am trying to build a form out of that. See below.

Controller: addProperty.php

class AddPropertyController extends Controller
    // ....

    public function indexAction(Request $request)
        $property = new  property;
        $language = new  propertyLanguage;
        $property ->addpropertylanguage($language);

        $form = $this->createForm(new propertyType($this->getDoctrine()),$property);

       // ..... 


Form type: propertType.php

public function buildForm(FormBuilder $builder, array $options)

            ->add('title', 'text');
           // other ->add() below.


It returns the following error:

Neither property "title" nor method "getTitle()" nor method "isTitle()" exists in class "\defaultBundle\Entity\property"

Of course there is no property Title in property, but there is one in propertylanguage.. Even if I try: ->add('title', 'entity', array('class'=>defaultBundle:propertylanguage)); it doesn't work.

Thanks if you have time to help me.



2 Answers 2


What you will want to do is make a PropertyLanguageType class as well as a PropertyType.

Then, in your PropertyType you will embed the PropertyLanguageType:

public function buildForm(FormBuilder $builder, array $options)

    // $builder->add('propertyLanguage', new PropertyLanguageType());

    // Since we have a 1 to many relation, then a collection is needed
    $builder->add('propertyLanguage', 'collection', array('type' => new PropertyLanguageType()));

The PropertyLanguageType is where you add the title.

It's all in the forms section in the manual but it might take several readings.

A second approach is to add a getTitle to your Property entity which would return the title from the PropertyLanguage entity. By doing this, your original form will work. But it can be a bit of a mess when you start to have multiple associations with multiple attributes. Best to just define a type for each entity.

  • Hi Cerad, Thanks a lot, you give me what I needed. It works perfect! I am still under 15 reputations so I cannot vote for your response. Thanks a lot.
    – 123pierre
    Commented Jun 11, 2012 at 4:39
  • 1
    Thanks though it seems like you should be able to accept the answer? In any event, glad I could help.
    – Cerad
    Commented Jun 11, 2012 at 14:28

You could use a query_builder when defining the form. Here's how your form class might look like. Of course it will certainly not be exactly as so but that will give you a good start ;)

public function __construct($id)
    $this->propertylanguageId = $id;

public function buildForm(FormBuilder $builder, array $options)
    $builder->add('propertylanguage', 'entity', array(
                    'label' => 'Property Language',
                    'class' => 'YourAdressToBundle:Propertylanguage',
                    'query_builder' => function(EntityRepository $er) use ($propertylanguageId) {
                                            return $er->createQueryBuilder('p')
                                            ->join('p.property', 'prop', Expr\Join::WITH, 'prop.id = :propertylanguageId')
                                            ->setParameter('propertylanguageId', $propertylanguageId);

Hope that'll be helpful

  • Hi thanks a lot for your time and help. Actually I prefer to avoid queryBuilder because I don't think it works if I want to build the form from entities object. In instance: $form = $this->createForm(new propertyType($this->getDoctrine()),$property); I'll go wz Cerad answer which looks more best practice. Thanks again for your time
    – 123pierre
    Commented Jun 11, 2012 at 4:48
  • Hi, well I used it myself once for a project and it does work but Cerad solution certainly works as well! Happy coding ;)
    – SebScoFr
    Commented Jun 11, 2012 at 7:51

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