I am using the preprocessor of gcc to remove the comments from a verilog (.v) file (since the comment syntax is same as C/C++). I am using perl and hence used a shell command from my perl script

gcc -E $dest > $commentsrem

where $dest is my verilog file renamed as a .c file. Since the preprocessor outputs data onto stdout, I redirected it to a file named $commentsrem . Now the problem I face is that I get messages on the terminal saying

try.c:577: unterminated character constant

I guess this is because although in C you need to use '\' to continue a statement on a new line, verilog has no such requirement. That is what it is reporting.

Now although in spite of these, it achieves what I want, it's making the terminal messy. Any way to keep it quiet?

2 Answers 2


Redirecting standard error to the null device would silence all error output from the preprocessor. Not generally recommended, as you will not see genuine errors either.

gcc -E $dest > $commentsrem 2> /dev/null

The better way would be to filter known messages from the stderr by use of grep -v, so you would still see other error messages. For this, you need to redirect stderr to stdout, because piping doesn't work on stderr:

gcc -E $dest 2>&1 > $commentsrem | grep -v "unterminated character constant"

The order of the redirections is important here. If you wrote > $commentsrem 2>&1, the error messages would end up in $commentsrem instead.

For details on the redirecting, ref. this Q/A.

  • Thanks for this !! A little more help, suppose I want to suppress some other error strings too , say "Cannot find keyboard type" along with this error, what options do I use for grep. -e doesnt work in my grep.
    – gururaj
    Jun 13, 2012 at 10:47
  • @gururaj: grep -v "unterminated character constant\|Cannot find keyboard type" If you found my answer helpful, consider upvoting / accepting it. That's how this website works, you know?
    – DevSolar
    Jun 13, 2012 at 11:15

Since you are using Perl, the vppreproc script can be used to remove Verilog comments.

vppreproc --nocomment in.v > out.v

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