@gib Thanks for the suggestion on Moment.js. This small library really helps out with dealing with dates and JavaScript.
Moment.js solved the problem described in the original question that I was also having. IE8 was displaying JSON ISO dates as NaN when parsed into a new Date() object.
Quick solution (include moment.js in your page, or copy the code to your js functions include)
If you just need to display a date on your page, loaded from a JSON ISO date, do this:
order_date = moment(data.OrderDate); //create a "moment" variable, from the "data" object in your JSON function in Protoype or jQuery, etc.
$('#divOrderDate).html(order_date.calendar()); //use Moment's relative date function to display "today", "yesterday", etc.
order_date = moment(data.OrderDate); //create a "moment" variable, from the "data" object in your JSON function in Protoype or jQuery, etc.
$('#divOrderDate).html(order_date.format('m/d/YYYY')); //use Moment's format function to display "2/6/2015" or "10/19/2014", etc.
If you must have a Date() object (say for use with jQuery Components), do the following so successfully populate your JSON provided ISO date. (This assumes you are already inside the function of handling your JSON data.)
var ship_date = new Date(moment(data.ShipDate).format('m/d/YYYY')); //This will successfully parse the ISO date into JavaScript's Date() object working perfectly in FF, Chrome, and IE8.
//initialize your Calendar component with the "ship_date" variable, and you won't see NaN again.