The best way to iterator over a large collection is to use the Mongo API directly. I used the below code and it worked like a charm for my use-case.
I had to iterate over more than 15M records and the document size was huge for some of those.
The following code is in Kotlin Spring Boot App (Spring Boot Version: 2.4.5)
fun getAbcCursor(batchSize: Int, from: Long?, to: Long?): MongoCursor<Document> {
val collection = xyzMongoTemplate.getCollection("abc")
val query = Document("field1", "value1")
if (from != null) {
val fromDate = Date(from)
val toDate = if (to != null) { Date(to) } else { Date() }
"\$gte", fromDate
"\$lte", toDate
return collection.find(query).batchSize(batchSize).iterator()
Then, from a service layer method, you can just keep calling on returned cursor till MongoCursor.hasNext() returns true.
An Important Observation: Please do not miss adding batchSize on 'FindIterable' (the return type of MongoCollection.find()). If you won't provide the batch size, the cursor will fetch initial 101 records and will hang after that (it tries to fetch all the remaining records at once).
For my scenario, I used the batch size as 2000, as it gave the best results during testing. This optimized batch size will be impacted by the average size of your records.
Here is the equivalent code in Java (removing createTime from query as it is specific to my data model).
MongoCursor<Document> getAbcCursor(Int batchSize) {
MongoCollection<Document> collection = xyzMongoTemplate.getCollection("your_collection_name");
Document query = new Document("field1", "value1");// query --> {"field1": "value1"}
return collection.find(query).batchSize(batchSize).iterator();
function to limit the function to retrieve data in chunksArrayList
, and not a customList
implementation that wraps around a cursor?