I am trying to debug a few regular expressions using:

perl -Mre=debug file.pl

The file.pl script has many regular expression. Some of them are repeated. Using the above syntax, all the regexes in file.pl are being debugged.

Is there a way to tell Perl to debug only a particular regex in a script?

I am familiar with the YAPE::Regex module, but that is not what I require. So please don’t suggest to use that.

  • 1
    Why not just comment out the other regexes, or run just the particular regex on the command line, via perl -e ? Jun 20, 2012 at 20:45
  • the script is very compilcated(12000 LOC). If I will comment out any of regex then the execution will fail..also if I provide dummy values, then it will give unexpected results :(
    – AnonGeek
    Jun 20, 2012 at 20:55

2 Answers 2


As with many other pragmas, you can use no to cancel previous use.

use re 'debug';


no re 'debug';


As of 5.9.5 the directive use re 'debug' and its equivalents are lexically scoped, as the other directives are.


    use re 'debug';
    # Debugged regexp here.
  • Is this also supported in 5.8.8? I am putting it under a condition but it is enabling it globally for all regex.
    – AnonGeek
    Jun 20, 2012 at 21:10
  • 1
    No, since version 5.9.5. In 5.8.8 you need use no statement. Jun 21, 2012 at 5:24

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