The proper way is to always start out with Makefile.PL/Build.PL, just as selected answer suggests. However, sometimes you are not the one who started out, so...
I used to make a fake makefile:
% cat Makefile
prove -Ilib -r t
The following also seems to work (w/o touching ANY files on disk):
cover -t -make 'prove -Ilib -r t; exit $?'
This only works because of how perl's system
handle an argument with shell metacharacters in it (;
in this case) and may break in the future if cover
decides to quote it more rigirously. Also it shouldn't work under windows. I wish cover
had a -prove
option instead.
This one still generates coverage for *.t as well as CPAN modules at nonstandard locations. This behaviour can be fixed using +select/+ignore options (see the Devel::Cover's manpage):
cover -t +select ^lib +ignore ^
So the tl;dr "magic" command is
cover -t +select ^lib +ignore ^ -make 'prove -Ilib -r t; exit $?'
EDIT The following didn't work for me - it only prints short summary:
PERL5OPT="$PERL5OPT -MDevel::Cover" prove -Ilib -r t
cover -t +select ^lib +ignore ^
Note that prove -MSomething
applies Something
to prove
itself and doesn't pass it on (unlike with -I).