I have a CodeIgniter and some Mysql database. But know I want to set the another database for working, and after some actions do disable it. For example, I have function make_some_actions_with_db(), and now I need to have something like that:
public function action()
//load db
//disable db
So, now I need to know how I can set the new default db and how I can set another (first) db. Thank you.
UPDATED: It doesn't work:
public function update_record_insert_test()
if ($this->facebook->getUser())
$another_db_settings['hostname'] = 'localhost';
$another_db_settings['username'] = 'root';
$another_db_settings['password'] = '';
$another_db_settings['database'] = 'name';
$another_db_settings['dbdriver'] = "mysql";
$another_db_settings['dbprefix'] = "";
$another_db_settings['pconnect'] = TRUE;
$another_db_settings['db_debug'] = TRUE;
$another_db_settings['cache_on'] = FALSE;
$another_db_settings['cachedir'] = "";
$another_db_settings['char_set'] = "utf8";
$another_db_settings['dbcollat'] = "utf8_general_ci";
$welcome=new Welcome();
$url=$this->facebook->getLoginUrl(array('next' => base_url().'update_record_insert_test'));