It is possible to pretty-print an XML string via a streaming transformation with XmlWriter.WriteNode(XmlReader, true)
. This method
copies everything from the reader to the writer and moves the reader to the start of the next sibling.
Define the following extension methods:
public static class XmlExtensions
public static string FormatXml(this string xml,
bool indent = true, bool newLineOnAttributes = false, string indentChars = " ",
ConformanceLevel conformanceLevel = ConformanceLevel.Document, bool ignoreWhitespace = true) =>
// By default we ignore the incoming whitespace, since the purpose of this method is to reformat the incoming xml.
xml.FormatXml( new XmlWriterSettings { Indent = indent, NewLineOnAttributes = newLineOnAttributes, IndentChars = indentChars, ConformanceLevel = conformanceLevel },
new XmlReaderSettings { ConformanceLevel = conformanceLevel, IgnoreWhitespace = ignoreWhitespace });
public static string FormatXml(this string xml, XmlWriterSettings writerSettings, XmlReaderSettings? readerSettings = default)
using (var textReader = new StringReader(xml))
using (var xmlReader = XmlReader.Create(textReader, readerSettings ))
using (var textWriter = new StringWriter())
using (var xmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create(textWriter, writerSettings))
xmlWriter.WriteNode(xmlReader, true);
return textWriter.ToString();
And now you will be able to do:
var inXml = @"<?xml version='1.0'?><response><error code='1'> Success</error></response>";
var newXml = inXml.FormatXml(indentChars : "", newLineOnAttributes : false); // Or true, if you prefer
Which prints
<?xml version='1.0'?>
<error code="1"> Success</error>
Other answers load the XML into some Document Object Model such as XmlDocument
or XDocument
, then re-serialize the DOM with indentation enabled.
This streaming solution completely avoids the added memory overhead of a DOM.
In your question you do not add any indentation for the nested <error code='1'> Success</error>
node, so I set indentChars : ""
. Generally an indentation of two spaces per level of nesting is customary.
Attribute delimiters will be unconditionally transformed to double-quotes if currently single-quotes. (I believe this is true of other answers as well.)
Passing conformanceLevel : ConformanceLevel.Fragment
allows strings containing sequences of XML fragments to be formatted.
Other than ConformanceLevel.Fragment
, the input XML string must be well-formed. If it is not, XmlReader
will throw an exception.
Demo fiddle here.
which would disqualify the highest voted answer on this question.