Possible Duplicate:
Is it safe to delete this?

Okay, I want to use some Object and its delegate ObjectDelegate.
Here is the sample code:

class ObjectDelegate;

class Object {
    int a;
    ObjectDelegate *delegate;
    void crazyMethod();


    void setDelegate(ObjectDelegate*);

Object::Object() {
    delegate = NULL;
    a = 9001;
    std::cout << "Object Constructor";

Object::~Object() {
    std::cout << "Object Destructor";

void Object::crazyMethod() {
    if(delegate != NULL) {


class ObjectDelegate {
    virtual void deleteMe(Object*) = 0;


class DelegateItself : public ObjectDelegate {
    void deleteMe(Object*);

void DelegateItself::deleteMe(Object *object) {
    delete object;

I often use this approach in Objective-C and Java, but how will it work in the C++-from-the-box?
My question is: at the time I running one method in the Object I call from it another method in the another object (DelegateItself) and delete the Object. The stack will be:

  • Object::~Object()
  • DelegateItself::deleteMe()
  • Object::crazyMethod()

So after the destructor method ends deleteMe method also end (after some time). But what will be happen with crazyMethod of non-existing object? If I try to use variable Object::a I will have possibility to get a garbage instead of real value (data will be invalidated) [hope I understood C++ logic]. If I try to call another method in Object I will possibly crash [hope so too]. But will be it guaranteed to end the crazyMethod correctly if there are no subsequent methods will be called?

  • This does not answer your question, but I noticed you are doing assignments in constructor body, if you are new to c++ you should read about using intializer lists: stackoverflow.com/questions/8386848/…
    – anio
    Jun 29, 2012 at 23:29
  • 3
    Please, don't do that. -- The whole humanity
    – akappa
    Jun 29, 2012 at 23:31


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