#include <iostream>

class Class
    Class() { std::cerr << "ctor" << std::endl; }
    ~Class() { std::cerr <<"dtor" << std::endl; }

    Class(Class&)  { std::cerr << "copy ctor" << std::endl; }
    Class & operator=(const Class &)
            std::cerr << "copy operator=" << std::endl;
            return *this;

    Class(Class&&) { std::cerr << "move ctor" << std::endl;}
    Class & operator=(Class &&)
            std::cerr << "move operator="<< std::endl;
            return *this;

int main(int, char**)
    Class object;
    Class && rvr = Class(); 
    object = rvr; // (*)

Output is

copy operator=

1) Why "copy ctor" is called at line (*)?

2) If i have to use std::move() every-time, what is the difference between "move semantics" and any method that will move data, like object.destructive_move();?

3) when exactly move ctor/operator is called?


2 Answers 2


The copy ctor is not called at line (*), the copy assignment operator is called. I guess that's what you meant.

It is the copy assignment operator that is called rather than the move assignment operator since rvr is an lvalue. Note that the type of an expression is orthogonal to whether it's an lvalue or not.

If you modified your assignment statement to object = Class(); or even object = static_cast<Class&&>(rvr), you would find the move assignment operator being called, since the RHS is an rvalue in those two cases.

This behavior is sensible: consider the implementation of a move assignment operator, say. Its parameter has type rvalue reference, but it is still an lvalue. If it were an rvalue, then the first use of the parameter could modify its state to become an 'empty' object (move semantics), and then a second use of the parameter would probably not work as expected.

The way it actually works, you would explicitly use std::move when you wanted to use the parameter in a way that left it an 'empty' state.

  • static_cast<Class&&>(rvr) -- this is funny to me... rvr is already Class&& Commented Jul 1, 2012 at 17:15
  • @user1494506: Yes, the cast does not change its type, I'm merely making use of a side-effect that its result is an rvalue (specifically, an xvalue).
    – ndkrempel
    Commented Jul 1, 2012 at 17:16
  • 1
    @user1494506: the introduction of rvalue references required the C++ committee to refine the old classification of 'lvalue' vs 'rvalue'. There are now three basic categories: 'lvalue', 'xvalue' and 'prvalue' (pure rvalue). The first two are collectively referred to as 'glvalue' (generalized lvalue), the last two are collectively refereed to as 'rvalue'.
    – ndkrempel
    Commented Jul 1, 2012 at 17:26
  • @user1494506: Stereotypical examples of prvalue are 'true', '5', a non-reference return value of a function (these have the common property of having no 'identity' - no memory location). By contrast, a glvalue has 'identity'. Most glvalues are just ordinary lvalues (e.g. a local variable). The interesting case is a function which returns an rvalue reference, such as static_cast<Class&&> and std::move. Since it's a reference, it has an 'identity' (memory location), but it is nevertheless to be treated as shortly eXpiring - its contents can be reused - so it is classified as an 'xvalue'.
    – ndkrempel
    Commented Jul 1, 2012 at 17:31
  • thanks!! I took a quick look at std::move implementation, an in fact it is static_cast<Class&&> ;) is it only possible xvalue? Commented Jul 1, 2012 at 19:14
Class && rvr = Class(); 

What I'm going to say isn't going to make sense, but this is the C++11 rule.

rvr is a variable that is an rvalue reference to a Class. That's easy to understand. But it is important to understand this: a named variable is never an rvalue expression. Even if it is an rvalue reference!

Again, I know that doesn't make sense, but that's the rule. An rvalue reference variable is not an rvalue expression.

A temporary is an rvalue expression, so Class() gives you an rvalue. The temporary returned from a function is also an rvalue expression, so if you had some function that returned Class by value, you would get an rvalue back.

This matters because if you have two functions overloaded based on lvalue and rvalue references (like copy/move constructors/assignment), C++11 will select the rvalue reference version only if the expression type is an rvalue.

This is why std::move exists. It exists to explicitly state when you want to move something. It does this by converting the value you give it into an rvalue expression. Namely, it returns Class&&.

This is the part that's really confusing. If you have a named rvalue reference variable, that isn't an rvalue expression. But if you have an unnamed rvalue reference, such as returning Class&& from a function, that is an rvalue expression.

std::move returns Class&&. So if you want to move from a named variable, you must always call std::move on it. So if you want to move from rvr, you must do this:

object = std::move(rvr); // (*)

This will return a Class&& to rvr. C++11 overload resolution will happen. Since the parameter to operator= is an rvalue expression, it will select the rvalue reference version of operator=. Thus invoking a move.

Note that std::move is really just a wrapper around a semi-complex cast. It doesn't do the moving; it's the operator= that does the moving.

  • so why object = *(&rvr); also calls copy operator=? Shouldn't *(&rvr) create "rvalue expression", the same way std::move(rvr) does? Commented Jul 1, 2012 at 22:19
  • @user1494506: No. Taking a pointer (which is what &rvr is: a Class*) and referencing it with * always returns an lvalue reference. There's no such thing as a Class&&* or a Class&*. Commented Jul 1, 2012 at 22:40

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