Is there something similar to explicit code regions for folding in Qt Creator:

#pragma region Region_1
void Test() {}
void Test2() {}
void Test3() {}
#pragma endregion Region_1

I can see folding for logical code blocks, but do not know how to explicitly set such a block. My version of Qt Creator is 2.4.1

8 Answers 8


I think you can do this:

Reformat your someclass.cpp

namespace ns
  CClass::CClass() {}
  CClass::~CClass() {}
  void CClass::Test() {}
  void CClass::Test2() {}
  void CClass::Test3() {}

for example as

namespace ns // construction-destruction
  CClass::CClass() {}
  CClass::~CClass() {}
namespace ns // test-region
  void CClass::Test() {}
  void CClass::Test2() {}
  void CClass::Test3() {}

Currently not.

I think it is better to structure your code by using code anyways. The regions as also found in C# are imho a bad substitute for proper structuring and keeping things maintainable.

  • The humble opinion is the solicited opinion... IMO Commented Aug 27, 2014 at 4:16
  • @DaveCausey: My favourite dictionaries do not translate "solicitied" to something that makes sense in this context. Does it mean "the crowd's opinion"? Commented Aug 30, 2014 at 6:39
  • 1
    Solicited = requested in this context. Just being silly. I spent some time trying to find an answer to a similar question and there seems to be a lot of principled resistance to this practice. While I tend to agree, I have found outliners to be a helpful tool for breaking down pre-existing complexity in third party code when significant refactoring is not an immediate option. Commented Sep 8, 2014 at 10:47
  • So many reasons to do manual block folding... for example, folding across multiple blocks rather than just folding codes inside a pair of curly parenthesis.
    – Robin Hsu
    Commented Dec 16, 2014 at 10:33
  • And the folding algorithm in the editor is not easy, since the code can be complex. #ifdef exists, many places, which can even destroy the pairing of curly parenthesis. Current Qt editor code can not even handle the #if 0 #else #endif case.
    – Robin Hsu
    Commented Dec 16, 2014 at 10:36

Now we can do this by:

Right before the block that you want to fold you place the following define:


and directly after the block you place:

#define FOLDINGEND }
  • 2
    This is probably the best solution for the problem that we have at the moment. The only problem is that you have to use a unique identifier for each region (otherwise you will receive a warning)
    – Zciurus
    Commented Apr 20, 2021 at 8:47

you can place your code in {} and write a comment for its name.

{ // RegionName 
    void Test() {}
    void Test2() {}
    void Test3() {}
  • I second this over the rest
    – IOviSpot
    Commented Mar 29, 2022 at 18:56

This is a bit old, I know, but it showed up when I myself was searching for a resolution to this problem so...

@ATatum_BlurPD said in Qt Creator C++ folding region:

I know this is old, but here is what works for me in QT Creator 4.13.3.

  • Make sure 'Display Folding markers' is enabled
    • 'Tools' -> 'Options' -> 'Text Editor' -> 'Display' tab
  • In the '.cpp' or '.h' file you want to add the region to:
    • Add '#pragma region RegionNameHere{'
      • Note the '{' at the end
    • Add '#pragma endregion }'
      • Note the '}' at the end

Some sample code:

#pragma region TIMER:Filter Change Delay {

void CLog_EntryList::init_Timer_FilterChangeDelay()
    connect(&m_timerFilterChangeDelay, &QTimer::timeout, this, &CLog_EntryList::slot_Timer_FilterChangeDelay_Timedout);

void CLog_EntryList::slot_Timer_FilterChangeDelay_Start()

void CLog_EntryList::slot_Timer_FilterChangeDelay_Timedout()
#pragma endregion}

I don't have enough reputation here to post image-proof, but you can see them here


This is very old but still actual. For convenience, you can also add a snippet to automate entering a region of code. Navigate menu to Preferences/Text Editor/Snippets, choose the group 'Text' and insert a new snippet having Trigger = region and Trigger Variant = name, then add the following text in the lower area (add an extra carriage return after the '}'). Now, in code, you can just type 'region' and the snippet will be inserted while the editor will ask to set the 'name' of the region. Only drawback, #pragma region generates a warning but you can suppress it by adding:

QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_WARN_ON += -Wno-unknown-pragmas

to your .pro file. Anyway you can always substitute the snippet with whatever you find works better.

#pragma region $name$ {

#pragma endregion }

Set Preferences...Snippet example image


It works this way:

#pragma region REGION1 {


#pragma endregion REGION1 }

you can place your code in {} and write a comment for its name.


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