In this method the symbol value can be anything Stock Symbol like (For example GOOG , C , DAC-----etc)

private boolean isC(String symbol) {
    char code = symbol.charAt(symbol.length() - 2);
    return code <= 'L';

Could anybody please let me know what does this return type mean exactly ??

I am confused because i was thinking of a return type to be either true or false, but could anybody please let me know what does this 'L' mean exactly ??

Thanks in advance .

  • 1
    The return value is the value of the boolean expression code <= 'L'. Java chars are comparable. Commented Jul 6, 2012 at 10:08
  • 'L' is represented also as an integer value (pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASCII). 'L' is equal to 0x4C. method isC returns result of comaprision Commented Jul 6, 2012 at 10:12

3 Answers 3


returns true if the ascii code of the character in the variable 'code' is less than or equal to the ascii code for L.

false otherwise

  • Thank yo very much all , my bad i was seeing at from 30 feet high .
    – Pawan
    Commented Jul 6, 2012 at 10:12

Because you have a condition stated after the return keyword the condition is getting evaluated first and the result of the evaluation is then getting returned.

And because a condition can only be true or false the return type of this method is boolean.

Here when you apply the <= operator with the type char you are comparing the numerical ASCII representation of a char.


You can see the ascii code of some of the characters here. code <= 'L' is a comparison between the ascii code of the value of code and 'L'

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