If I were to want to create a PHP function that does the same thing as the Export tab in phpMyAdmin, how could I do it? I don't know if there is a MySQL function that does this or if phpMyAdmin just builds the export file (in SQL that is) manually. Without shell access. Just using PHP.

I tried the documentation for mysqldump, but that seemed to require using the shell. I'm not quite sure what that even is -- maybe my question is: how do you use shell?

My silly idea is to allow non-technical users to build a site on one server (say a localhost) using MySQL then export the site, database and all, to another server (eg. a remote server).

I think I'm pretty clear on the Import process.

1 Answer 1


You can check the phpMyAdmin source code (an advantage of open-source software). Check the export.php script and the supporting functions in the libraries/export/sql.php script file.

In summary, what phpMyAdmin does is:

  • get a list of the tables in the given database (SHOW TABLES FROM...),
  • get the create query for each table (SHOW CREATE TABLE...),
  • parse it and extract column definitions from it,
  • get all data (SELECT * FROM...)
  • build a query according to column data.

I've written similar code for my own apps (for backup purposes, when the GPL license of phpMyAdmin doesn't allow me to use it), however I use DESCRIBE to get column definitions. I think they rather parse the SHOW CREATE TABLE output because contains more information than DESCRIBE output.

This way to generate SQL sentences requires a bit of care to handle the escaping but it allows for some flexibility, as you can convert types, filter or sanitize data, etc. It is also a lot slower than using a tool like mysqldump and you should take care of not consuming all available memory (write soon, write often, don't keep everything in memory).

If you will implement a migration process (from server to server) maybe it would be easier to do it with some shell scripting and calling mysqldump directly, unless you will do everything with PHP.

  • 2
    Thanks, exactly what I was looking for. Yeah, I think, because I know php I'd want to do everything in PHP. It's WordPress-like CMS programming. I figured phpMyAdmin runs a series of steps, but I had to ask before spending a lot of time doing it from scratch. I'm all about reinventing wheel to waste away lots of good Saturdays.
    – Phil Tune
    Commented Jul 9, 2012 at 12:51
  • Great question. I learnt something crazy today. I can't understand why they don't offer mysqldump like functionality over the database connection. Why separate the dumping to another program?
    – Phil
    Commented Mar 29, 2017 at 15:21
  • @Phil_1984_ I have wondered the same thing everytime I have to write code to do it. That would be very useful indeed. I don't know any RDBMS that do it, they have SQL instructions to dump locally (like SELECT... INTO OUTFILE or BACKUP DATABASE) or command-line tools or GUI tools, but nothing to do it thru the network from your own application.
    – MV.
    Commented Mar 29, 2017 at 19:59
  • PhpMyAdmin never use the mysqldump binary from mysql ? Commented Jan 4, 2022 at 18:44
  • 1
    into PMA\libraries\classes\Plugins\Export\ExportSql.php you will find public function exportData()... Commented Jan 4, 2022 at 19:47

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