I write a script that removes backups older than five days. I check it by the name of the directory and not the actual date.

How do parse the directory name to a date to compare them?

Part of my script:


foreach ($myDir in $myDirs)
  $dirName= '{0:dd-MM-yyyy}' -f $dirName
  if ($dirName -le "$myDate")
        remove-item $myPath\$dirName -recurse

Maybe I do something wrong, because it still does not remove last month's directories.

The whole script with Akim's suggestions is below:

Function RemoveOldBackup([string]$myPath)

  $myDirs = Get-ChildItem $myPath

  if (Test-Path $myPath)
    foreach ($myDir in $myDirs)
      #variable for directory date
      [datetime]$dirDate = New-Object DateTime

      #check that directory name could be parsed to DateTime
      if([datetime]::TryParse($myDir.Name, [ref]$dirDate))
            #check that directory is 5 or more day old
            if (([DateTime]::Today - $dirDate).TotalDays -ge 5)
                  remove-item $myPath\$myDir -recurse
    Write-Host "Directory $myPath does not exist!"


Directories names are, for example, 09-07-2012, 08-07-2012, ..., 30-06-2012, and 29-06-2012.

  • 1
    Could you try folowing steps in powershell console: 1. [DateTime] $a = New-Object DateTime; [DateTime]::TryParse("29-06-2012", [ref]$a); $a; ([DateTime]::Today - $a) -ge 5; 2. [DateTime]::TryParseExact("29-06-2012", "dd-MM-yyyy", [System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, [System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles]::None, [ref]$a); $a; 3. [DateTime]::TryParseExact("29-06-2012", "dd-MM-yyyy", [System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, [System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles]::None, [ref]$a); ([DateTime]::Today - $a) -ge 5. All sould be without errors.
    – Akim
    Jul 9, 2012 at 13:18
  • results in polish: 1) False 1 stycznia 0001 00:00:00 True, 2) True 29 czerwca 2012 00:00:00, 3) True True
    – Mirek
    Jul 9, 2012 at 13:32
  • Ok @Mirek, you have a culture at your sever that does not understand your dates correctly. it simple thinks that "01-02-2012" is 1st of February, but not 2nd of January. I'm going to update snippet in my answer
    – Akim
    Jul 9, 2012 at 13:37
  • As a side note, if you ever want to sort your directories/files by name, use yyyy-MM-dd naming scheme.
    – MKesper
    Mar 4, 2016 at 8:11

1 Answer 1


Try to calculate the difference between [DateTime]::Today and the result of parsing the directory name:

foreach ($myDir in $myDirs)
    # Variable for directory date
    [datetime]$dirDate = New-Object DateTime

    # Check that directory name could be parsed to DateTime
    if ([DateTime]::TryParseExact($myDir.Name, "dd-MM-yyyy",
        # Check that directory is 5 or more day old
        if (([DateTime]::Today - $dirDate).TotalDays -ge 5)
            remove-item $myPath\$dirName -recurse
  • more or less it works for me but less means it doesn't remove last month dirs
    – Mirek
    Jul 9, 2012 at 12:22
  • Try to replace .Days with .TotalDays. See updated snippet
    – Akim
    Jul 9, 2012 at 12:35
  • Now this snippet is culture invariant, could you try it?
    – Akim
    Jul 9, 2012 at 13:40
  • A little late, but I think [DateTime]::Today - $dirName should be [DateTime]::Today - $dirDate. Jul 4, 2018 at 1:28

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