I want to link a guest order to a existing account in Magento. Does someone know which fields on which tables I have to change to accomplish this?

Is there maybe a easier way?

5 Answers 5


This also seem to work..

$order_id = 5;  // Your Order ID
$customer_id = 7;  //Customer ID

$_order = Mage::getModel('sales/order')->load($order_id);

if($_order->getCustomerId() == NULL){

If you are on Magento >= 1.4.1, you can run that in your database :

UPDATE sales_flat_order 
   SET customer_id = YOUR_CUSTOMER_ID_HERE 
WHERE entity_id = YOUR_ORDER_ID_HERE AND customer_id IS NULL

You will also need to upgrade the "grid" table :

UPDATE sales_flat_order_grid 
    SET customer_id = YOUR_CUSTOMER_ID_HERE 
WHERE entity_id = YOUR_ORDER_ID_HERE AND customer_id IS NULL
  • 1
    If you're on magento 2 this works as well, but the tables are called sales_order and sales_order_grid. Great tip!
    – helefa
    Jan 5, 2020 at 10:42
  • I just wanted to place a note to state that there is no customer_id column in sales_invoice or sales_invoice_grid tables, so no need to worry about those.
    – fearfelt
    Jan 15 at 11:54

Since from backend it's easier to get increment_id from order than entity id i prefer use this the following two queries:

UPDATE sales_flat_order 
  SET customer_id = YOUR_CUSTOMER_ID_HERE, customer_is_guest=0, customer_group_id = YOUR_CUSTOMER_GROUP_ID_HERE
  WHERE increment_id = YOUR_INCREMENT_ID_HERE AND customer_id IS NULL

UPDATE sales_flat_order_grid 
  SET customer_id = YOUR_CUSTOMER_ID_HERE, 
  WHERE increment_id = YOUR_INCREMENT_ID_HERE AND customer_id IS NULL

I am using magento and I use to change following information:
For Table sales_flat_order:
=> change customer_id from NULL to new customer_id
=> customer_is_guest to 0.

Also for Table sales_flat_order_grid:
=> change customer_id from NULL to new customer_id

Following 2 queries will do the job:

UPDATE sales_flat_order 
  SET customer_id = (Your_Customer_ID), customer_is_guest=0 
  WHERE entity_id = Your_Order_ID_HERE AND customer_id IS NULL

UPDATE sales_flat_order_grid 
  SET customer_id = Your_Customer_ID 
  WHERE entity_id = Your_Order_ID AND customer_id IS NULL

To expand on what R.S posted:

If you want the admin order screen to reflect what group the member is in you need a few more lines:

$customer_id = xxxx;  //Customer ID
$order_increment_id = xxxxxxxxx; //Admin order increment id
$_order = Mage::getModel('sales/order')->loadByIncrementId($order_increment_id);

if($_order->getCustomerId() == NULL){

if($_order->getCustomerIsGuest() == "1"){

if($_order->getCustomerGroupId() == "0"){


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