I'm developing a multi-tenant web app (stack: MVC 4 + Entity framework 4.3). My requirements are pretty simple: each tenant has the same UI and CodeBase.
In my database I have some tables with a TenantId field (and other tables without).
I have set up a very simple generic repository:
public class GenericRepository<TEntity> where TEntity : class
internal Database.CRMEntities context;
internal DbSet<TEntity> dbSet;
internal int tenantId;
public GenericRepository(Database.CRMEntities context)
this.context = context;
this.dbSet = context.Set<TEntity>();
this.tenantId = 1;
I'd like the "get" methods to filter for my tenantId. My insert, update and delete method should also constrain the appropriete TenantId.
My Entities are autogenerated POCO classes.
I have considered these solutions:
1- GenericRepository should implement a "ITenant" interface that defines TenantId. Problem is that some entities haven't got the TenantId property. Also, I don't really like to modify the T4 template I use to generate POCO objects to make them implement my interface
2- Reflection (but of course EF can't translate it to a SQL statement)
if (typeof(TEntity).GetProperty("TenantId") != null)
query = query.Where(x => (int) (x.GetType().GetProperty("TenantId").GetValue(x, null)) == tenantId);
What would you do in my case? I'm willing to reconsider my architecture if necessary.
Thanks, Nicola