I am trying to develop an image-based web site. I am really confused about the best image type for faster page loading speeds and best compression practices. Please advise me on the best way to compress image sizes.
4 Answers
If you are looking to reduce the size using coding itself, you can follow this code in php.
function compress($source, $destination, $quality) {
$info = getimagesize($source);
if ($info['mime'] == 'image/jpeg')
$image = imagecreatefromjpeg($source);
elseif ($info['mime'] == 'image/gif')
$image = imagecreatefromgif($source);
elseif ($info['mime'] == 'image/png')
$image = imagecreatefrompng($source);
imagejpeg($image, $destination, $quality);
return $destination;
$source_img = 'source.jpg';
$destination_img = 'destination .jpg';
$d = compress($source_img, $destination_img, 90);
$d = compress($source_img, $destination_img, 90);
This is just a php function that passes the source image ( i.e., $source_img
), destination image ( $destination_img
) and quality for the image that will take to compress ( i.e., 90 ).
$info = getimagesize($source);
The getimagesize()
function is used to find the size of any given image file and return the dimensions along with the file type.
10this function convert the source images to JPEG, ignore the gif animations and png transparency– nikmauroCommented Nov 6, 2015 at 15:14
to overcome png transparency issue mentioned by @nikmauro, i used the imagepng instead of imagejpeg. using the imagejpeg for jpg files, ofcourse just modifying if statement to use appropriate function. however to save transparency i also had to add (before output/save) : imagealphablending($image, false); imagesavealpha($image, true); I also had to devide the $quality by 10 to work as imagepng does not go from 0 - 100 but rather 0 - 9– ShaakirCommented Oct 21, 2016 at 12:18
Good one there. But one thing that bothers me is why 90 for the compression? Is there a min value which when passed, the image is going to loose its "originality"? Commented Oct 30, 2017 at 9:05
1I'm not sure why but the image gets rotated when I use this code, how would I prevent this from happening. It always seems to be rotated 90 degrees anti clockwise. Commented Mar 27, 2018 at 21:49
sorted, I had to read the exif data from the original image and adjust accordingly. Commented Mar 27, 2018 at 22:07
I'd go for jpeg
. Read this post regarding image size reduction and after deciding on the technique, use ImageMagick
Hope this helps
You can resize and then use imagejpeg()
Don't pass 100 as the quality for imagejpeg() - anything over 90 is generally overkill and just gets you a bigger JPEG. For a thumbnail, try 75 and work downwards until the quality/size tradeoff is acceptable.
imagejpeg($tn, $save, 75);
well I think I have something interesting for you... https://github.com/whizzzkid/phpimageresize. I wrote it for the exact same purpose. Highly customizable, and does it in a great way.