string a;
a = "This is multi line comment \
and this is second line";
a = This is multi line comment^M
and this is second line
//You will have ^M which is the dos character for new line. If you want to avoid that, then the next solution should be used
string tmg ={" \n" ,
"//periodic signal intf.KEYCONTROL_CLK \n" ,
"fork\n" ,
" begin\n" ,
" the_clock = 0;\n" ,
" forever begin\n" ,
" if(the_clock == 0)\n" ,
" #(5000000/2 * 1ps);\n" ,
" else\n" ,
" #((5000000-5000000/2) * 1ps);\n" ,
" the_clock=~the_clock;\n" ,
" end\n" ,
" end\n" ,
`uvm_info("record_key_control_map_and_record", $sformatf("Start recording of interface if_record_key_control"), UVM_DEBUG);
$fdisplay ( mcd0,tmg);