I have a file called domain which contains some domains. For example:
And I have another file called site which contains some sites URLs and numbers. For example:
image.google.com 10
map.google.com 8
photo.facebook.com 22
game.facebook.com 15
Now I'm going to count the url number each domain has. For example: google.com has 10+8. So I wrote an awk script like this:
while(getline dom < "./domain" > 0) {
for(dom in domain) {
while(getline < "./site" > 0) {
if($1 ~/$dom$) #if $1 end with $dom {
But the code if($1 ~/$dom$)
doesn't run like I want. Because the variable $dom in the regular expression was explained literally. So, the first question is:
Is there any way to use variable $dom
in a regular expression?
Then, as I'm new to writing script
Is there any better way to solve the problem I have?