Here's a solution which may consume a lot of cpu usage (stolen from this article):

There's a difference in my Ubuntu 12 ec2 server, I have to use top -bn1 instead of top -ln.

Here's my related .tmux.conf file:

set -g status-right '#[fg=yellow]#[(getCpuUsage.sh)]'

It actually calls top every 2 seconds and outputs a whole lot of information. I think there should be a way involving less cpu consumption or use some flag to limit the output of top to only cpu usage.


5 Answers 5


I use the small tmux-mem-cpu-load C++ program. It's at least one fork/exec per update either way, but probably better than invoking a shell.

  • Yes I try this,but it only give me memory usage
    – mko
    Commented Jul 19, 2012 at 10:48

If I knew tmux-mem-cpu-load, I would become too lazy to write my own rainbarf:


It has a fancier look, but it is a Perl script so it is not a good idea to run it every 2 seconds (on my experience, 15 seconds suffice).


You can try vmstat(1). It displays the averaged CPU load over all CPUs: user, system, idle and IO wait in the last four fields:

vmstat|while read s;do [[ "$s" =~ ([[:space:]]+[0-9]+){4}$ ]]&&echo $BASH_REMATCH; done
  • what exactly does this show?
    – rubo77
    Commented Feb 1 at 22:27
  1. stat the command top
  2. press 1.
  3. Press 0 then
  4. Press "t" twice.

It will display bar graphs of the CPU usage.
You can change the color by +z. Then choose a color number in the list.


htop shows some decent display:

enter image description here

press F6 to choose sort-by-memory-usage

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