When I look at the start screen of my Windows 8 installation I see that bundled apps have colors from some standard(?) palette: IE and Weather have the same color, Store and Xbox Live Games, People and Music, Messaging and Maps, etc. It doesn't look like there's any logical connection between most of these apps. Yet their tiles share colors most likely coming from some standardized palette.
But when we create a Metro app in Visual Studio the Background color is preset to #464646 in a free form text field. So I wonder if there's some "official" list of the predefined colors we can use to make our own tiles "native" to Windows 8?
Obviously I can take a screenshot and pick a color from a bundled tile, but there has to be a better way and I've failed to find it so far.
Edit: apparently you can't even pick the color from a screenshot since a gradient is automatically applied to it by the OS:
If you make the space around the logo itself transparent in your image, your app's brand color (declared in the manifest) will show through with a gradient preapplied to it as part of the Windows 8 Release Preview look. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/hh465403.aspx#using_default_tiles