I'd like to do this

test: >
  This is a long string
  with new lines

But it prints out the "\n" instead of making new lines.

I know it's possible to do

test: "This is a long string
      with new lines"

But i'd rather not add quotes everywhere if possible. Thanks for the help!

EDIT: I'd rather not use empty lines. In other words, i'd like to use \n to show empty lines to make my yml file more readable.


4 Answers 4


try this

test: |+
  This is a long string

  with new lines

| after the key helps in beginning of multiline text indented and maintain the indentation for the long string.


Came across this while asking the same question. I found another solution using the \n in string. When I used eval(str) it worked as expected.

Sorry for the use of Python, but I don't code in Ruby. However, I was looking at the documentation and it appears to have the same eval function: https://www.rubydoc.info/stdlib/core/Kernel:eval

Example YAML:

text: >
    "This is the 1st row sentence.\n\n\n"
    "This is the 4th row sentence."

Example Python:


# returns:
# This is the 1st row sentence.
# This is the 4th row sentence.

Hope this is helpful to someone.

  • Another thing I noticed is that YAML escape strings the \n, so in Ruby you could also parse the text replacing the \\n with \n. Jun 26, 2022 at 0:49

You can do this :

test: >+
  This is a long string

  with new lines

to print a new line in yaml you can do the following code I am using the degub module msg func like this

     - 'hello'
     - 'name'

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