What is the most efficient way to make all nested list items the same size while using an em that is not equal to 1. For example, I want all li's in this list to be sized to 0.85em of the ul's parent. Do I have to create a separate class for each "level" of depth?

    <style type="text/css">
            font-size: 0.85em;
        <li>Level 1 item
                <li>Level 2 item
                        <li>Level 3 item</li>

7 Answers 7


Use the "rem" unit for font sizing. This fixes the font-inheritance problem.

Johnathan Snook has a great article on this.

  • Yes, it's indeed the best method. I can add only you should use fall-back value using pixels. Like this: li {font-size: 8.5px; font-size: 0.85em;} And you should set base font size not on body element as usually but on html.
    – Mike Eshva
    Oct 29, 2011 at 2:49
  • 1
    @MikeEshva: your css example should be {font-size: 8.5px; font-size: 0.85rem;}
    – chotchki
    Oct 29, 2011 at 18:33
  • Note that "rem" is only available on IE9+
    – Travis
    Jun 4, 2014 at 14:00

Should work.

li li {font-size: 100%;}
  • 1
    It does, but it's not the most efficient way.
    – Bobby Jack
    Jul 23, 2009 at 20:45
  • @Bobby, why is it not the most efficient way?
    – You
    Jul 30, 2009 at 22:27
  • Without adding extra markup to your page this is the easiest way.
    – Matt
    Jul 31, 2009 at 16:17

My recommendation would be to give the first <ul> an id or class, and set the font-size there.


(This answer assumes you want all li-elements the same size (you say both that you want the the same size, and different size in the question))

Font-size cascades, so if you just set it on the outer element (say a wrapper div or something), everything inside it will get one step smaller like (I think) you want to.

<div id="navigation">

#navigation { font-size: 0.85em; }
  • The example above works as it should though. Even in IE6, that doesn't support the child selector. Jul 23, 2009 at 20:22
  • True - I was working with the HTML he gave us. He didn't specify browser compatibility, so I'm assuming he wants something that adheres to the CSS2.1 spec.
    – Bobby Jack
    Jul 23, 2009 at 20:34
  • Where in the question does he say that he wants them to be different sizes?
    – Bobby Jack
    Jul 23, 2009 at 20:46
  • "make all nested list items the same size" vs. "all li's in this list to be sized to 0.85em of the ul's parent". I'm leaning towards the first, but I can't be sure, and for some reason people are downvoting my answer, so I'm just trying to clarify. Jul 23, 2009 at 20:51
  • Fair enough; I've un-downvoted your answer because this seems like a genuine misunderstanding, and your answer does work. But I think it's quite clear - "make all nested list items the same size" means, I assume, "... as each other". The other quote simply states that they should ALL be the computed value of 0.85em of the base font size - there's no inconsistency that I can see.
    – Bobby Jack
    Jul 23, 2009 at 21:04

I agree with Emil, and would vote him up on this if I had enough rep points (n00b here). I would use a class like he mentions in his first point, so its re-usable in the same document. If you want cross browser and are using the current css spec then I cant suggest a better real world example..... roll on css 3 and the death of IE6 !

  • Its how I would do it, and I think it was unfair to mark you down for actually being right and giving good advice
    – Crayonz
    Jul 24, 2009 at 13:48

I want all li's in this list to be sized to 0.85em of the ul's parent

body > ul { font-size: 0.85em; }

would do that

li { font-size: 0.85em; }
li li { font-size: 1em; }

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