Folks, I would like to understand the answer for the following questions:

  1. Can I have a primary key without clustered index ? ( I am aware that when we create primary key constraint on a column, it by default creates a clustered index. So in that case, how should I deactivate clustered index ?)

  2. Can I have a clustered index with multiple columns together ? (Like in non-clustered where I can join different columns for a single non-clustered index).

2 Answers 2


(This answer is for SQL Server 2005+ only. I know nothing about MySQL.)

Can I have a primary key without clustered index?

Yes. As you mentioned, a primary key constraint is backed by a clustered index by default. You can tell SQL Server to back the constraint with a nonclustered index by declaring the constraint as follows:


Can I have a clustered index with multiple columns together ? (Like in non-clustered where I can join different columns for a single non-clustered index).

Yes, you can define an index with more than one column in the index key. It's really no different than a nonclustered index.

    ON MyTable(Col1, Col2, Col3);


  • that perfectly answered my questions the way I could chew/digest. Thank you so much :) :) Cheers
    – Jasmine
    Aug 8, 2012 at 17:09

MySQL and SQL-SERVER are different RDBMS. They have different capabilities and different syntax.

When using InnoDB, MySQL always makes the PK the clustered index.

SQL-SERVER, however, will let you create a PK without the CLUSTERED keyword, and let you use it within another index instead.

In both cases, PrimaryKeys and Indexes (clustered or not) can cover multiple fields.

  • 1
    Also, InnoDB always has a clustered index even if you don't have a primary key.
    – Vatev
    Aug 8, 2012 at 12:49
  • @Dems: Hi Dems, thank you for the answer. Apologize, I duno what is InnoDB, I am being newbie and sorry for silly questions. And, how do I create a PK without Clluetersted index ? I mean if I just create a table with syntax and mentioning primary key and or using the GUI tool for creating table wherein I just tick the column I need as primary key. I am really new :( Hope you understand what exactly I am behind :( I need to know the concrete way of achieving it.
    – Jasmine
    Aug 8, 2012 at 12:52
  • 2
    The statement SQL-SERVER ... will let you create a PK without the CLUSTERED keyword, and let you use it within another index instead. is incorrect -- omitting the CLUSTERED keyword will still create a clustered index by default. You have to use the NONCLUSTERED keyword.
    – Jon Seigel
    Aug 8, 2012 at 16:58

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