I have a huge directory structure of movie files. For analysis of that structure I want to copy the entire directory structure, i.e. folders and files however I don't want to copy all the movie files while I want to keep there file names. Ideally I get zero-byte files with the original movie file name.

I tried to and then rsync to my remote machine which didn't fetch the link files.

Any ideas how to do that w/o writing scripts?

4 Answers 4


You can use find:

find src/ -type d -exec mkdir -p dest/{} \; \
       -o -type f -exec touch dest/{} \;

Find directory (-d) under (src/) and create (mkdir -p) them under dest/ or (-o) find files (-f) and touch them under dest/.

This will result in:


You can user mv creatively to resolve this issue.

Other (partial) solution can be achieved with rsync:

rsync -a --filter="-! */" sorce_dir/ target_dir/

The trick here is the --filter=RULE option that excludes (-) everything that is not (!) a directory (*/)


On ubuntu you can try:

cp -r --attributes-only <source_dir> <target_dir>

It doesn't copy file data. From manpage of cp

          don't copy the file data, just the attributes

Note: I'm not sure this option available for other distributions, if anybody can confirm please update the answer.

  • Thanks for the answer Rohan, unfortunately my Debian on Netgear's ReadyNAS won't know this option :( Commented Aug 14, 2012 at 6:24
  • 1
    works fine under Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
    – jkeys
    Commented Aug 2, 2021 at 17:52

I needed an alternative to this to sync only the file structure:

rsync --recursive --times --delete --omit-dir-times --itemize-changes "$src_path/" "$dst_path"

This is how I realized it:

# sync source to destination
while IFS= read -r -d '' src_file; do
  # new files
  if [[ ! -e "$dst_file" ]]; then
    if [[ -d "$src_file" ]]; then
      mkdir -p "$dst_file"
    elif [[ -f $src_file ]]; then
      touch -r "$src_file" "$dst_file"
      echo "Error: $src_file is not a dir or file"
    echo -n "+ "
    ls -ld "$src_file"
  # modification time changed (files only)
  elif [[ -f $dst_file ]] && [[ $(date -r "$src_file") != $(date -r "$dst_file") ]]; then
    touch -r "$src_file" "$dst_file"
    echo -n "+ "
    ls -ld "$src_file"
done < <(find "$src_path" -print0)

# delete files in destination if they disappeared in source
while IFS= read -r -d '' dst_file; do
  # file disappeard on source
  if [[ ! -e "$src_file" ]]; then
    delinfo=$(ls -ld "$dst_file")
    if [[ -d "$dst_file" ]] && rmdir "$dst_file" 2>/dev/null; then
      echo -n "- $delinfo"
    elif [[ -f $dst_file ]] && rm "$dst_file"; then
      echo -n "- $delinfo"
done < <(find "$dst_path" -print0)

As you can see I use echo and ls to display changes.


ls > listOfMovie.txt; You will have the list of your films in a .txt file .For multiple directories see the man page.

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