class A
  def initialize(string, number)
    @string = string
    @number = number

  def to_s
    "In to_s:\n   #{@string}, #{@number}\n"
  def to_a
    "In to_a:\n   #{@string}, #{@number}\n"
puts a = A.new("hello world", 5)

output is

 In to_s:
   hello world, 5

How is the to_s method called automatically?

Why isn't another method called automatically such as to_a?

Since I did not write puts in the to_s method, why is output printed.

  • Note that printing the new object, not creating it, is what triggers the call to to_s. Nov 3, 2013 at 8:58

3 Answers 3


You're sending it to puts, which will try to render the object as a string using to_s.

If you changed your last line to: puts A.new("hello world", 5).to_a, it would instead call to_s on the returned Array and A's to_s would not be called.


puts generally prints the result of applying to_s on an object read more here


In addition to @numbers1311407 answer

whenever you try any code in irb

it calls to_s implicitly.

and as @numbers1311407 answer explains.

puts call to_s implicitly

  • 4
    Close - it calls inspect implicitly, which then calls to_s. Aug 20, 2012 at 23:04

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