I have to work through a proxy at the office and when I press (Ctrl+Shift+P), type Install and try to load a package list, I get the error "Package Control: There are no packages available for installation."

In my 'Package Control.sublime-settings' I have:

    "auto_upgrade_last_run": 1345569476,
    "http_proxy": "http://user_name:password@<proxy-name>:<proxy_port>"

What am I missing OR what is a better option for me to control my system using the proxy. Once I get home I typically have to disable these proxies. Is there a truly system-wide way to make it use a proxy and then disable the proxy with a single command or click?

Also this is in Ubuntu 12.04.

EDIT: Sublime Text Package Manager has been updated to include options for working through a proxy, you can find this in the package settings.

6 Answers 6


You do not need the http:// part. For example:

"http_proxy": "proxy.my.net:8080",
"https_proxy": "proxy.my.net:8080",

At least, this works for me, on Ubuntu and on Windows also.


The first time, I was able to sort out problems with Package Manager by using HTTP instead of HTTPS, as in


The default setup seem to respect the system proxy settings and work through the proxy without explicitely setting "http_proxy", "proxy_username", and "proxy_password".

Hopefully this helps.

More details on various settings at (for the record, as you've already referred to these):


Note: This applies to Windows version. I keep the Linux version in the same directory but can't confirm the behaviour currently.


Adding the following in Package Control.sublime.settings worked for me on Windows 7.

{ "auto_upgrade_last_run": 1345569476, "http_proxy": "user_name:password@<proxy-name>:<proxy_port>" }


The solution for me was changing the user_agent in Package Control settings, by default is sublime text specific user_agent, but changing it to (for example) the Firefox user_agent, worked for me.

  • the proxy at my workplace only allows certain user agents, doing this made package control work for me. thanks for the hint :) Commented Apr 11, 2016 at 12:14

Maybe this is something obvious that you've tried, but probably worth checking: do you have http_proxy set in your OS environment?


If above answer did not work, I fix it by following steps:

  1. open your Internet Explorer
  2. tools →internet options→ advanced tag→ Security → Cancel the checkbox "Check for Server Certificate revocation" .
  3. Restart your Sublime Text

Hope it can help you.

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