I want to do the following thing:

lets say I have:

query_terms = ["A", "B"]

And what is needed is the following query:

    Q(name__icontains="A") | Q(building__name__icontains="A",
    Q(name__icontains="B") | Q(building__name__icontains="B"

I don't know how to join this "OR" statements together with "AND" having a dynamic query_terms list

  • what are you trying to achieve?
    – karthikr
    Commented Aug 29, 2012 at 19:14

1 Answer 1

full_query = None
for query in query_terms:
    q = Q(name__icontains=query) | Q(building__name__icontains=query)
    if full_query is None:
        full_query = q
        full_query = full_query & q

I'm probably not optimizing this exactly right, but something along these lines should work.

  • Excelent, as soon as I can, I'll give the the tick! Thanks you so much
    – fceruti
    Commented Aug 29, 2012 at 19:19

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