This one is hard because i can't find it in the internet. Please write a program where you would not use the math.h library in C++ where in you would display all the armstrong numbers from 1 to the range inputted by the user.
11The internet is not there to do your homework. Please make an attempt first, and then show the code you've got and describe what you're stuck with; then you might get help. Also, please add the "homework" tag to your question.– Aasmund EldhusetCommented Sep 4, 2012 at 8:27
1The first hit in google also gives a pascal code how to do it. You are actually asking for someone to completely make the HW for you?– amitCommented Sep 4, 2012 at 8:28
since you are dealing with armstrong numbers you only have to deal with integer powers and this is quite easy. if you are on a course that deals with armstrong numbers writing a power function valid only for integers should not be beyond you– mathematician1975Commented Sep 4, 2012 at 8:33
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1 Answer
Won't give you full code - use subsequent multiplications to find the power. The rest should be straight-forward.
Here's some code that, if this is homework, you can't use since it'll get you in trouble:
bool isArmstrongNumber(int x)
//some magic happens here
template<int x>
struct armstrong_number
if ( isArmstrongNumber(x) )
std::cout << x << endl;
armstrong_number<x-1> y;
struct armstrong_number<0>
std::cout << 0 << endl;
int main()
armstrong_number<999> x;