Because it's also possible to use the HTTPFoundation Component outside of Symfony2, the way to implement NamespacedUserBags is as follows:
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Session;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Attribute\NamespacedAttributeBag;
$session = new Session();
//first bag
$myAttributeBag = new NamespacedAttributeBag('<your_storage_key_1>');
//second bag
$myAttributeBag = new NamespacedAttributeBag('<your_storage_key_2>');
Register as many bags as you want, but make sure to do this before you start the session. Now you can switch between bags using getBag():
$activeBag = $session->getBag('<your_tag_name>');
and access the namespaced bag with the typical methods :
$activeBag->set('tokens/a', 'adsf82983asd');
$activeBag->set('tokens/b', 'daslfl232l3k');