I'm trying to run the following code
var selectedText = $(this + "option:selected").text();
var ship = thisvalue.split("£");
var subtotal = $("ul#deliveryList").attr("class");
var ship = ship[1];
var totalcost = parseFloat(subtotal)+parseFloat(ship);
$(".wrap.form-section h1 span").html(" <small>Total </small> £"+totalcost);
I want to get the text from the selected value on change. ex. UPS Worldwide Express - £89.57 then the code splits the value to get me the actual number of cost.
But console.log throws up the following
Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: [object HTMLSelectElement]option:selected
in jquery.min.js (line 2)
So im assuming I've done something wrong here and hoping someone could help out