Assigning arrays to variables in Bash script seems rather complicated:

a=("a" "b" "c")

echo ${a[0]} 
echo ${a[1]}

echo ${b[0]} 
echo ${b[1]} 

leads to


instead of


Why? How can I fix it?

2 Answers 2


If you want to copy a variable that holds an array to another name, you do it like this:

a=('a' 'b' 'c')
b=( "${a[@]}" )
  • 4
    Beware of the sideffects: This renumbers the keys of the array/assoc-array, see: a=(); a[1]=x; a[3]=y; a[5]=z; b=("${a[@]}"); declare -p a b gives declare -A a='([1]="x" [3]="y" [5]="z" )'; declare -a b='([0]="x" [1]="y" [2]="z")' and a=([a]=x [b]=y [c]=z); b=("${a[@]}"); declare -p a b gives declare -A a='([a]="x" [b]="y" [c]="z" )'; declare -a b='([0]="x" [1]="y" [2]="z")' (; added for better readability)
    – Tino
    Commented Oct 10, 2017 at 14:07
  • 1
    also if a is empty then b will have an item with empty content.
    – mjs
    Commented Dec 1, 2019 at 13:00
  • 8 years later, but could you please explain what you mean by reassign? According to my tests and the manual, the array contents actually are copied. "${a[@]}" expands to a list of words (one word for each array member), enclosing that list in ( ) makes for a suitable RHS which can be used in an assignment, and b=... finally carries out the assignment. I can't see how a could lose its contents during this, which the term reassign implies. Did I miss something?
    – Binarus
    Commented Aug 27, 2020 at 21:17
  • 1
    You didn't miss anything. I can understand why you have a more nuanced definition of reassign in mind, but I think OP (at least at the time) didn't care about the old name a and just wanted to know how to get all the values from a into b.
    – kojiro
    Commented Aug 28, 2020 at 0:16


If a is an array, $a expands to the first element in the array. That is why b in your example only has one value. In bash, variables that refer to arrays aren't assignable like pointers would be in C++ or Java. Instead variables expand (as in Parameter Expansion) into strings and those strings are copied and associated with the variable being assigned.

How can I fix it?

To copy a sparse array that contains values with spaces, the array must be copied one element at a time by the indices - which can be obtained with ${!a[@]}.

declare -a b=()
for i in ${!a[@]}; do

From the bash man page:

It is possible to obtain the keys (indices) of an array as well as the values. ${!name[@]} and ${!name[*]} expand to the indices assigned in array variable name. The treatment when in double quotes is similar to the expansion of the special parameters @ and * within double quotes.

Here's a script you can test on your own:


declare -a a=();
a[1]='red hat'
a[3]='fedora core'

declare -a b=();

# Copy method that works for sparse arrays with spaces in the values.
for i in ${!a[@]}; do

# does not work, but as LeVar Burton says ...

echo a indicies: ${!a[@]}
echo b indicies: ${!b[@]}

echo "values in b:"
for u in "${b[@]}"; do
    echo $u


a indicies: 1 3
b indicies: 1 3  # or 0 1 with line uncommented
values in b:
red hat
fedora core

This also works for associative arrays in bash 4, if you use declare -A (with capital A instead of lower case) when declaring the arrays.

  • b=( "${a[@]}" ) copies elements with spaces. See Special Parameters
    – konsolebox
    Commented Aug 7, 2014 at 5:27
  • Yes, but it doesn't support sparse arrays. Commented Aug 7, 2014 at 5:29
  • 1
    This one got me too - I imagined a sparse array as meaning missing values, unset a; a=( x '' '' y ), but on a re-read I now see "sparse" in this context is being used to mean missing indices unset a; a[0]=x; a[3]=y. Use b=( "${a[@]}" ); declare -p a b after each of those a initializations to see the difference. The solution copies array values, not whole arrays.
    – Ed Morton
    Commented Jun 17 at 12:05

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