When playing with various algorithms in Haskell it often happens to me that I create a program with a memory leak, as it often happens with lazy evaluation. The program taking all the memory isn't really fun, I often have difficulty killing it if I realize it too late.

When using GHC6 I simply had export GHCRTS='-M384m' in my .bashrc. But in GHC7 they added a security measure that unless a program is compiled with -rtsopts, it simply fails when it is given any RTS option either on a command line argument or in GHCRTS. Unfortunately, almost no Haskell programs are compiled with this flag, so setting this variable makes everything to fail (as I discovered in After upgrading to GHC7, all programs suddenly fail saying "Most RTS options are disabled. Link with -rtsopts to enable them.").

Any ideas how to make any use of GHCRTS with GHC7, or another convenient way how to prevent my programs taking all memory?

  • 3
    There are of course solutions independent of Haskell, just limiting the memory usage of particular processes. Is this a Linux? — But why don't you just use -rtsopts for a program you know to be memory-critical? Commented Sep 7, 2012 at 18:44
  • 1
    @leftaroundabout What he's saying is that he likes to turn on the -M384M option by default for his own programs using the GHCRTS environment variable, but now he can't do it because other Haskell tools (such as, perhaps, cabal-dev) will fail when given an RTS parameter. Commented Sep 7, 2012 at 19:09
  • 4
    On Linux you can use ulimit -m to limit the amount of memory processes started from a shell can take. Other *nixes probably have some variation on the ulimit switches they accept.
    – ninjalj
    Commented Sep 7, 2012 at 19:32
  • @ninjalj: sure -m does the trick? I always use -v. But I don't really understand that *nix slang or what it is, "maximum resident set size"... Commented Sep 7, 2012 at 20:18

1 Answer 1


You can compile your own programs with -with-rtsopts=-M384m to set RTS options at compile time (once and for all). You could also set up a "blacklist" of programs that shouldn't be run with GHCRTS in your .bashrc; perhaps something like

for i in foo bar baz
    alias $i="GHCRTS= $i"

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