I have a class which needs more callbacks.. I am trying to implement them with an interface:

class CallbacksInterface
     virtual bool mycallback1() = 0;
     virtual bool mycallback2() = 0;
     virtual bool mycallback3() = 0;

Class BusImplementation{
    addRequest(bool (CallbacksInterface::*callback)());


Callback is parameter for addRequest() method and is defined as pointer to interface method. So I want to add request..

//class with callbacks
class Main:CallbacksInterface{
      bool mycallback1(){..};
      bool mycallback2(){..};
      bool mycallback3(){..};

BusImplemantation bus;
Main main;   


But I cant pass a callback into my BusImplemantation class

error: argument of type 'bool (Main::)()' does not match 'bool (CallbacksInterface::*)()'

I think there is a solution with templates, but I am programming embedded devices and my compiler is limited.

  • Wouldn't it be simpler to have a callback interface representing a single function, and pass pointers to different implementations of that? Or even better, use std::functions? Commented Sep 12, 2012 at 12:10
  • Does it help if you use public inheritance, i.e. class Main: public CallbacksInterface? Commented Sep 12, 2012 at 13:17
  • Just in case you're using the type names from your actual software project - there's a typo in BusImplemantation. Commented Sep 12, 2012 at 13:19

2 Answers 2


A simpler approach would be to define a single interface type representing a function:

struct ICallback
  virtual bool operator()() const = 0;

and implement it as many times as necessary:

struct Foo : ICallback
  virtual bool operator()() const { return true;}

struct Bar : ICallback
  virtual bool operator()() const { return false;}

then your bus implementation can take callback interfaces:

class BusImplemantation{
    void addRequest(const ICallback* callback) { .... }


BusImplemantation bus;
Foo foo;  // can be called: bool b = foo();
Bar bar;   // can be called: bool b = bar();


You could also investigate using std::function and avoiding the common interface altogether.

  • seems interesting, I have to try it! This operator() has specific meaning? Its new for me. thanks
    – Meloun
    Commented Sep 12, 2012 at 13:21
  • 2
    @Meloun the operator() makes an instance "callable". I added some comments in the code. If you have an ICallback*, you can call the operator like this: pCakkBack->operator()(); Commented Sep 12, 2012 at 13:31
  • 1
    What about (*pCallBack)(); ? seems nicer for me.
    – Meloun
    Commented Sep 13, 2012 at 8:22
  • disadvantage: If callback is in some class, you cant within callback access to this class and members. If callback would be not class, but only method you can. (inner class vs. method)
    – Meloun
    Commented Sep 13, 2012 at 8:29
  • @Meloun why can't you call class members and access data within the callback? I can't see it. Commented Sep 13, 2012 at 8:50

I also strongly suggest going with an abstract interface. However, if you really want the original approach for some reason, you need something like this:

void addRequest(bool (CallbacksInterface::*callback)(), CallbacksInterface* pTarget) {...}
bus.addRequest(&CallbacksInterface::mycallback1, &main); 
// ! Not &Main::mycallback1 - that wouldn't compile
// calling a callback

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