Is there a reason to prefer using map() over list comprehension or vice versa? Is either of them generally more efficient or considered generally more Pythonic than the other?
17Note that PyLint warns if you use map instead of list comprehension, see message W0141.– lumbricCommented Oct 31, 2013 at 10:37
5@lumbric, I'm not sure but it does only if lambda is used in map.– 0xc0deCommented May 23, 2017 at 4:53
8I made a 17 minute tutorial on list comp vs map if anyone finds it useful -– Brendan MetcalfeCommented Aug 1, 2020 at 16:08
The title of the YouTube video is "Python - List comprehension vs map function tutorial (speed, lambda, history, examples)".– Peter MortensenCommented Dec 14, 2022 at 21:15
14 Answers
map may be microscopically faster in some cases (when you're not making a lambda for the purpose, but using the same function in map and a list comprehension). List comprehensions may be faster in other cases and most (not all) Pythonistas consider them more direct and clearer.
An example of the tiny speed advantage of map when using exactly the same function:
$ python -m timeit -s'xs=range(10)' 'map(hex, xs)'
100000 loops, best of 3: 4.86 usec per loop
$ python -m timeit -s'xs=range(10)' '[hex(x) for x in xs]'
100000 loops, best of 3: 5.58 usec per loop
An example of how performance comparison gets completely reversed when map needs a lambda:
$ python -m timeit -s'xs=range(10)' 'map(lambda x: x+2, xs)'
100000 loops, best of 3: 4.24 usec per loop
$ python -m timeit -s'xs=range(10)' '[x+2 for x in xs]'
100000 loops, best of 3: 2.32 usec per loop
71Yep, indeed our internal Python style guide at work explicitly recomments listcomps against map and filter (not even mentioning the tiny but measurable performance improvement map can give in some cases;-). Commented Aug 8, 2009 at 3:55
58Not to kibash on Alex's infinite style points, but sometimes map seems easier to read to me: data = map(str, some_list_of_objects). Some other ones... operator.attrgetter, operator.itemgetter, etc. Commented Aug 8, 2009 at 16:06
map(operator.attrgetter('foo'), objs)
easier to read than[ for o in objs]
?! Commented Aug 8, 2009 at 18:42 -
71@Alex: I prefer not to introduce unnecessary names, like
here, and your examples show why. Commented Jan 22, 2010 at 20:38 -
37I think that @GreggLind has a point, with his
example, though. Commented Oct 5, 2011 at 7:55
- Common case: Almost always, you will want to use a list comprehension in python because it will be more obvious what you're doing to novice programmers reading your code. (This does not apply to other languages, where other idioms may apply.) It will even be more obvious what you're doing to python programmers, since list comprehensions are the de-facto standard in python for iteration; they are expected.
- Less-common case: However if you already have a function defined, it is often reasonable to use
, though it is considered 'unpythonic'. For example,map(sum, myLists)
is more elegant/terse than[sum(x) for x in myLists]
. You gain the elegance of not having to make up a dummy variable (e.g.sum(x) for x...
orsum(_) for _...
orsum(readableName) for readableName...
) which you have to type twice, just to iterate. The same argument holds forfilter
and anything from theitertools
module: if you already have a function handy, you could go ahead and do some functional programming. This gains readability in some situations, and loses it in others (e.g. novice programmers, multiple arguments)... but the readability of your code highly depends on your comments anyway. - Almost never: You may want to use the
function as a pure abstract function while doing functional programming, where you're mappingmap
, or curryingmap
, or otherwise benefit from talking aboutmap
as a function. In Haskell for example, a functor interface calledfmap
generalizes mapping over any data structure. This is very uncommon in python because the python grammar compels you to use generator-style to talk about iteration; you can't generalize it easily. (This is sometimes good and sometimes bad.) You can probably come up with rare python examples wheremap(f, *lists)
is a reasonable thing to do. The closest example I can come up with would besumEach = partial(map,sum)
, which is a one-liner that is very roughly equivalent to:
def sumEach(myLists):
return [sum(_) for _ in myLists]
- Just using a
-loop: You can also of course just use a for-loop. While not as elegant from a functional-programming viewpoint, sometimes non-local variables make code clearer in imperative programming languages such as python, because people are very used to reading code that way. For-loops are also, generally, the most efficient when you are merely doing any complex operation that is not building a list like list-comprehensions and map are optimized for (e.g. summing, or making a tree, etc.) -- at least efficient in terms of memory (not necessarily in terms of time, where I'd expect at worst a constant factor, barring some rare pathological garbage-collection hiccuping).
I dislike the word "pythonic" because I don't find that pythonic is always elegant in my eyes. Nevertheless, map
and filter
and similar functions (like the very useful itertools
module) are probably considered unpythonic in terms of style.
In terms of efficiency, like most functional programming constructs, MAP CAN BE LAZY, and in fact is lazy in python. That means you can do this (in python3) and your computer will not run out of memory and lose all your unsaved data:
>>> map(str, range(10**100))
<map object at 0x2201d50>
Try doing that with a list comprehension:
>>> [str(n) for n in range(10**100)]
Do note that list comprehensions are also inherently lazy, but python has chosen to implement them as non-lazy. Nevertheless, python does support lazy list comprehensions in the form of generator expressions, as follows:
>>> (str(n) for n in range(10**100))
<generator object <genexpr> at 0xacbdef>
You can basically think of the [...]
syntax as passing in a generator expression to the list constructor, like list(x for x in range(5))
Brief contrived example
from operator import neg
print({x:x**2 for x in map(neg,range(5))})
print({x:x**2 for x in [-y for y in range(5)]})
print({x:x**2 for x in (-y for y in range(5))})
List comprehensions are non-lazy, so may require more memory (unless you use generator comprehensions). The square brackets [...]
often make things obvious, especially when in a mess of parentheses. On the other hand, sometimes you end up being verbose like typing [x for x in...
. As long as you keep your iterator variables short, list comprehensions are usually clearer if you don't indent your code. But you could always indent your code.
{x:x**2 for x in (-y for y in range(5))}
or break things up:
rangeNeg5 = (-y for y in range(5))
{x:x**2 for x in rangeNeg5}
Efficiency comparison for python3
is now lazy:
% python3 -mtimeit -s 'xs=range(1000)' 'f=lambda x:x' 'z=map(f,xs)'
1000000 loops, best of 3: 0.336 usec per loop ^^^^^^^^^
Therefore if you will not be using all your data, or do not know ahead of time how much data you need, map
in python3 (and generator expressions in python2 or python3) will avoid calculating their values until the last moment necessary. Usually this will usually outweigh any overhead from using map
. The downside is that this is very limited in python as opposed to most functional languages: you only get this benefit if you access your data left-to-right "in order", because python generator expressions can only be evaluated the order x[0], x[1], x[2], ...
However let's say that we have a pre-made function f
we'd like to map
, and we ignore the laziness of map
by immediately forcing evaluation with list(...)
. We get some very interesting results:
% python3 -mtimeit -s 'xs=range(1000)' 'f=lambda x:x' 'z=list(map(f,xs))'
10000 loops, best of 3: 165/124/135 usec per loop ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
for list(<map object>)
% python3 -mtimeit -s 'xs=range(1000)' 'f=lambda x:x' 'z=[f(x) for x in xs]'
10000 loops, best of 3: 181/118/123 usec per loop ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
for list(<generator>), probably optimized
% python3 -mtimeit -s 'xs=range(1000)' 'f=lambda x:x' 'z=list(f(x) for x in xs)'
1000 loops, best of 3: 215/150/150 usec per loop ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
for list(<generator>)
In results are in the form AAA/BBB/CCC where A was performed with on a circa-2010 Intel workstation with python 3.?.?, and B and C were performed with a circa-2013 AMD workstation with python 3.2.1, with extremely different hardware. The result seems to be that map and list comprehensions are comparable in performance, which is most strongly affected by other random factors. The only thing we can tell seems to be that, oddly, while we expect list comprehensions [...]
to perform better than generator expressions (...)
, map
is ALSO more efficient that generator expressions (again assuming that all values are evaluated/used).
It is important to realize that these tests assume a very simple function (the identity function); however this is fine because if the function were complicated, then performance overhead would be negligible compared to other factors in the program. (It may still be interesting to test with other simple things like f=lambda x:x+x
If you're skilled at reading python assembly, you can use the dis
module to see if that's actually what's going on behind the scenes:
>>> listComp = compile('[f(x) for x in xs]', 'listComp', 'eval')
>>> dis.dis(listComp)
1 0 LOAD_CONST 0 (<code object <listcomp> at 0x2511a48, file "listComp", line 1>)
6 LOAD_NAME 0 (xs)
>>> listComp.co_consts
(<code object <listcomp> at 0x2511a48, file "listComp", line 1>,)
>>> dis.dis(listComp.co_consts[0])
3 LOAD_FAST 0 (.0)
>> 6 FOR_ITER 18 (to 27)
9 STORE_FAST 1 (x)
12 LOAD_GLOBAL 0 (f)
15 LOAD_FAST 1 (x)
>>> listComp2 = compile('list(f(x) for x in xs)', 'listComp2', 'eval')
>>> dis.dis(listComp2)
1 0 LOAD_NAME 0 (list)
3 LOAD_CONST 0 (<code object <genexpr> at 0x255bc68, file "listComp2", line 1>)
9 LOAD_NAME 1 (xs)
>>> listComp2.co_consts
(<code object <genexpr> at 0x255bc68, file "listComp2", line 1>,)
>>> dis.dis(listComp2.co_consts[0])
1 0 LOAD_FAST 0 (.0)
>> 3 FOR_ITER 17 (to 23)
6 STORE_FAST 1 (x)
12 LOAD_FAST 1 (x)
>> 23 LOAD_CONST 0 (None)
>>> evalledMap = compile('list(map(f,xs))', 'evalledMap', 'eval')
>>> dis.dis(evalledMap)
1 0 LOAD_NAME 0 (list)
3 LOAD_NAME 1 (map)
6 LOAD_NAME 2 (f)
9 LOAD_NAME 3 (xs)
It seems it is better to use [...]
syntax than list(...)
. Sadly the map
class is a bit opaque to disassembly, but we can make due with our speed test.
5"the very useful itertools module [is] probably considered unpythonic in terms of style". Hmm. I don't like the term "Pythonic" either, so in some sense I don't care what it means, but I don't think it's fair to those who do use it, to say that according to "Pythonicness" builtins
along with standard libraryitertools
are inherently bad style. Unless GvR actually says they were either a terrible mistake or solely for performance, the only natural conclusion if that's what "Pythonicness" says is to forget about it as stupid ;-) Commented Feb 13, 2014 at 17:53 -
11@SteveJessop: Actually, Guido thought dropping
was a great idea for Python 3, and only a rebellion by other Pythonistas kept them in the built-in namespace (whilereduce
was moved tofunctools
). I personally disagree (map
are fine with predefined, particularly built-in, functions, just never use them if alambda
would be needed), but GvR has basically called them not Pythonic for years. Commented Oct 16, 2015 at 20:43 -
@ShadowRanger: true, but was GvR ever planning to remove
? The part I quote from this answer is the main claim that befuddles me. I don't know whether in his ideal world,map
would move toitertools
) or go entirely, but whichever is the case, once one says thatitertools
is unPythonic in its entirety, then I don't really know what "Pythonic" is supposed to mean but I don't think it can be anything similar to "what GvR recommends people use". Commented Oct 16, 2015 at 21:39 -
3@SteveJessop: I was only addressing
, notitertools
. Functional programming is perfectly Pythonic (itertools
were all designed specifically with functional programming in mind, and I use functional idioms in Python all the time), anditertools
provides features that would be a pain to implement yourself, It's specificallymap
being redundant with generator expressions that made Guido hate them.itertools
has always been fine. Commented Oct 16, 2015 at 23:05 -
Thanks for your detailed explanation. When the function has no output (e.g. change values of an array in place), which method is faster?– shzCommented Oct 6, 2020 at 1:57
Python 2: You should use map
and filter
instead of list comprehensions.
An objective reason why you should prefer them even though they're not "Pythonic" is this:
They require functions/lambdas as arguments, which introduce a new scope.
I've gotten bitten by this more than once:
for x, y in somePoints:
# (several lines of code here)
squared = [x ** 2 for x in numbers]
# Oops, x was silently overwritten!
but if instead I had said:
for x, y in somePoints:
# (several lines of code here)
squared = map(lambda x: x ** 2, numbers)
then everything would've been fine.
You could say I was being silly for using the same variable name in the same scope.
I wasn't. The code was fine originally -- the two x
s weren't in the same scope.
It was only after I moved the inner block to a different section of the code that the problem came up (read: problem during maintenance, not development), and I didn't expect it.
Yes, if you never make this mistake then list comprehensions are more elegant.
But from personal experience (and from seeing others make the same mistake) I've seen it happen enough times that I think it's not worth the pain you have to go through when these bugs creep into your code.
Use map
and filter
. They prevent subtle hard-to-diagnose scope-related bugs.
Side note:
Don't forget to consider using imap
and ifilter
(in itertools
) if they are appropriate for your situation!
8Thanks for pointing this out. It hadn't explicitly occurred to me that list comprehension was in the same scope and could be an issue. With that said, I think some of the other answers make it clear that list comprehension should be the default approach most of the time but that this is something to remember. This is also a good general reminder to keep functions (and thus scope) small and have thorough unit tests and use assert statements. Commented Nov 21, 2012 at 19:00
14@wim: This was only about Python 2, although it applies to Python 3 if you want to stay backwards-compatible. I knew about it and I'd been using Python for a while now (yes, more than just a few months), and yet it happened to me. I've seen others who are smarter than me fall into the same trap. If you're so bright and/or experienced that this isn't a problem for you then I'm happy for you, I don't think most people are like you. If they were, there wouldn't be such an urge to fix it in Python 3. Commented Dec 17, 2013 at 23:48
20I'm sorry but you wrote this in late 2012, well after python 3 is on the scene, and the answer reads like you're recommending an otherwise unpopular style of python coding just because you got bitten by a bug while cutting-and-pasting code. I never claimed to be bright or experienced, I just don't agree that the bold claim is justified by your reasons.– wimCommented Dec 18, 2013 at 0:14
8@wim: Huh? Python 2 is still used in a lot of places, the fact that Python 3 exists doesn't change that. And when you say "it's not exactly a subtle bug for anyone that has used Python more than a few months" that sentence literally means "this only concerns inexperienced developers" (clearly not you). And for the record, you clearly didn't read the answer because I said in bold that I was moving, not copying, code. Copy-paste bugs are pretty uniform across languages. This kind of bug is more unique to Python because of its scoping; it's subtler & easier to forget about and miss. Commented Dec 18, 2013 at 0:38
3It is still not a logical reason for switching to
. If anything, the most direct and logical translation to avoid your problem is not tomap(lambda x: x ** 2, numbers)
but rather to a generator expressionlist(x ** 2 for x in numbers)
which doesn't leak, as JeromeJ has already pointed out. Look Mehrdad, don't take a downvote so personally, I just strongly disagree with your reasoning here.– wimCommented Dec 18, 2013 at 1:39
Actually, map
and list comprehensions behave quite differently in the Python 3 language. Take a look at the following Python 3 program:
def square(x):
return x*x
squares = map(square, [1, 2, 3])
You might expect it to print the line "[1, 4, 9]" twice, but instead it prints "[1, 4, 9]" followed by "[]". The first time you look at squares
it seems to behave as a sequence of three elements, but the second time as an empty one.
In the Python 2 language map
returns a plain old list, just like list comprehensions do in both languages. The crux is that the return value of map
in Python 3 (and imap
in Python 2) is not a list - it's an iterator!
The elements are consumed when you iterate over an iterator unlike when you iterate over a list. This is why squares
looks empty in the last print(list(squares))
To summarize:
- When dealing with iterators you have to remember that they are stateful and that they mutate as you traverse them.
- Lists are more predictable since they only change when you explicitly mutate them; they are containers.
- And a bonus: numbers, strings, and tuples are even more predictable since they cannot change at all; they are values.
1this is probably the best argument for list comprehensions. pythons map is not the functional map but the crippled red-headed stepchild of a functional implementation. Very sad, because I really dislike comprehensions. Commented Jun 29, 2017 at 14:26
@semiomant I would say lazy map (like in python3) is more 'functional' than eager map (like in python2). For example, map in Haskell is lazy (well, everything in Haskell is lazy...). Anyway, lazy map is better for chaining maps - if you have a map applied to map applied to map, you have a list for each of intermediate map calls in python2, whereas in python3 you have just one resulting list, so its more memory efficient.– MnZrKCommented Oct 21, 2017 at 15:57
I guess what I want is for
to produce a data structure, not an iterator. But maybe lazy iterators are easier than lazy data structures. Food for thought. Thanks @MnZrK Commented Oct 24, 2017 at 11:01 -
You want to say map returns an iterable, not an iterator. Commented Sep 18, 2018 at 21:33
Here is one possible case:
map(lambda op1,op2: op1*op2, list1, list2)
[op1*op2 for op1,op2 in zip(list1,list2)]
I am guessing the zip() is an unfortunate and unnecessary overhead you need to indulge in if you insist on using list comprehensions instead of the map. Would be great if someone clarifies this whether affirmatively or negatively.
"[op1*op2 from op1,op2 in zip(list1,list2)]" | s/form/for/ And an equivalent list with out zip: (less readable)[list1[i]*list2[i] for i in range(len(list1))]– weakishCommented Aug 9, 2010 at 2:45
2Should be "for" not "from" in your second code quote, @andz, and in @weakish's comment too. I thought I had discovered a new syntactical approach to list comprehensions... Darn. Commented Oct 12, 2010 at 13:12
4to add a very late comment, you can make
lazy by usingitertools.izip
Commented Dec 17, 2012 at 21:09 -
9I think I still prefer
map(operator.mul, list1, list2)
. It's on these very simple left side expressions that comprehensions get clumsy. Commented Mar 10, 2015 at 23:34 -
1I hadn't realized that map could take several iterables as inputs for its function and could thus avoid a zip.– bliCommented Jan 23, 2017 at 11:20
If you plan on writing any asynchronous, parallel, or distributed code, you will probably prefer map
over a list comprehension -- as most asynchronous, parallel, or distributed packages provide a map
function to overload python's map
. Then by passing the appropriate map
function to the rest of your code, you may not have to modify your original serial code to have it run in parallel (etc).
1How about this and this Commented Mar 22, 2016 at 12:51
1Python's multiprocessing module does this: Commented Jul 31, 2017 at 18:07
1Thank you for being the only person who mentioned the big advantage of map in parallel code.– qwrCommented Nov 6, 2023 at 2:20
I find list comprehensions are generally more expressive of what I'm trying to do than map
- they both get it done, but the former saves the mental load of trying to understand what could be a complex lambda
There's also an interview out there somewhere (I can't find it offhand) where Guido lists lambda
s and the functional functions as the thing he most regrets about accepting into Python, so you could make the argument that they're un-Pythonic by virtue of that.
10Yeah, sigh, but Guido's original intention to remove lambda altogether in Python 3 got a barrage of lobbying against it, so he went back on it despite my stout support -- ah well, guess lambda's just too handy in many SIMPLE cases, the only problem is when it exceeds the bounds of SIMPLE or gets assigned to a name (in which latter case it's a silly hobbled duplicate of def!-). Commented Aug 8, 2009 at 3:58
4The interview you are thinking about is this one:, where Guido says "Sometimes I've been too quick in accepting contributions, and later realized that it was a mistake. One example would be some of the functional programming features, such as lambda functions. lambda is a keyword that lets you create a small anonymous function; built-in functions such as map, filter, and reduce run a function over a sequence type, such as a list." Commented Mar 24, 2011 at 4:30
4@Alex, I don't have your years of experience, but I've seen far more over-complicated list comprehensions than lambdas. Of course, abusing language features is always a difficult temptation to resist. It's interesting that list comprehensions (empirically) seem more prone to abuse than lambdas, though I'm not sure why that should be the case. I'll also point out that "hobbled" isn't always a bad thing. Reducing the scope of "things this line might be doing" can sometimes make it easier on the reader. For example, the
keyword in C++ is a great triumph along these lines. Commented Mar 25, 2013 at 15:02 -
> guido . Which is another piece of evidence that Guido is out of his mind. Of course
's have been made so lame (no statements..) that they're difficult to use and limited anyways. Commented Jan 6, 2019 at 23:41 -
The link was broken for me, but I think I found the same interview at Commented Jun 30, 2022 at 16:41
So since Python 3, map()
is an iterator, you need to keep in mind what do you need: an iterator or list
As @AlexMartelli already mentioned, map()
is faster than list comprehension only if you don't use lambda
I will present you some time comparisons.
Python 3.5.2 and CPython
I've used Jupiter notebook and especially %timeit
built-in magic command
Measurements: s == 1000 ms == 1000 * 1000 µs = 1000 * 1000 * 1000 ns
x_list = [(i, i+1, i+2, i*2, i-9) for i in range(1000)]
i_list = list(range(1000))
Built-in function:
%timeit map(sum, x_list) # creating iterator object
# Output: The slowest run took 9.91 times longer than the fastest.
# This could mean that an intermediate result is being cached.
# 1000000 loops, best of 3: 277 ns per loop
%timeit list(map(sum, x_list)) # creating list with map
# Output: 1000 loops, best of 3: 214 µs per loop
%timeit [sum(x) for x in x_list] # creating list with list comprehension
# Output: 1000 loops, best of 3: 290 µs per loop
%timeit map(lambda i: i+1, i_list)
# Output: The slowest run took 8.64 times longer than the fastest.
# This could mean that an intermediate result is being cached.
# 1000000 loops, best of 3: 325 ns per loop
%timeit list(map(lambda i: i+1, i_list))
# Output: 1000 loops, best of 3: 183 µs per loop
%timeit [i+1 for i in i_list]
# Output: 10000 loops, best of 3: 84.2 µs per loop
There is also such thing as generator expression, see PEP-0289. So i thought it would be useful to add it to comparison
%timeit (sum(i) for i in x_list)
# Output: The slowest run took 6.66 times longer than the fastest.
# This could mean that an intermediate result is being cached.
# 1000000 loops, best of 3: 495 ns per loop
%timeit list((sum(x) for x in x_list))
# Output: 1000 loops, best of 3: 319 µs per loop
%timeit (i+1 for i in i_list)
# Output: The slowest run took 6.83 times longer than the fastest.
# This could mean that an intermediate result is being cached.
# 1000000 loops, best of 3: 506 ns per loop
%timeit list((i+1 for i in i_list))
# Output: 10000 loops, best of 3: 125 µs per loop
You need list
Use list comprehension if it's custom function, use list(map())
if there is builtin function
You don't need list
object, you just need iterable one:
Always use map()
I ran a quick test comparing three methods for invoking the method of an object. The time difference, in this case, is negligible and is a matter of the function in question (see @Alex Martelli's response). Here, I looked at the following methods:
# map_lambda
list(map(lambda x: x.add(), vals))
# map_operator
from operator import methodcaller
list(map(methodcaller("add"), vals))
# map_comprehension
[x.add() for x in vals]
I looked at lists (stored in the variable vals
) of both integers (Python int
) and floating point numbers (Python float
) for increasing list sizes. The following dummy class DummyNum
is considered:
class DummyNum(object):
"""Dummy class"""
__slots__ = 'n',
def __init__(self, n):
self.n = n
def add(self):
self.n += 5
Specifically, the add
method. The __slots__
attribute is a simple optimization in Python to define the total memory needed by the class (attributes), reducing memory size.
Here are the resulting plots.
As stated previously, the technique used makes a minimal difference and you should code in a way that is most readable to you, or in the particular circumstance. In this case, the list comprehension (map_comprehension
technique) is fastest for both types of additions in an object, especially with shorter lists.
Visit this pastebin for the source used to generate the plot and data.
2As already explained in other answers,
is faster only if the function is called in the exact same way (i.e.[*map(f, vals)]
vs.[f(x) for x in vals]
). Solist(map(methodcaller("add"), vals))
is faster than[methodcaller("add")(x) for x in vals]
may not be faster when the looping counterpart uses a different calling method that can avoid some overhead (e.g.x.add()
avoids themethodcaller
or lambda expression overhead). For this specific test case,[*map(DummyNum.add, vals)]
would be faster (becauseDummyNum.add(x)
have basically the same performance).– GZ0Commented Jul 31, 2019 at 20:01 -
1By the way, explicit
calls are slightly slower than list comprehensions. For a fair comparison you need to write[*map(...)]
.– GZ0Commented Jul 31, 2019 at 20:01 -
@GZ0 thanks for the great feedback! All makes sense, and I was unaware that
calls increased overhead. Should've spent more time reading through the answers. I will re-run these tests for a fair comparison, however negligible the differences may be. Commented Jul 31, 2019 at 20:29
I timed some of the results with perfplot (a project of mine).
As others have noted, map
really only returns an iterator so it's a constant-time operation. When realizing the iterator by list()
, it's on par with list comprehensions. Depending on the expression, either one might have a slight edge but it's hardly significant.
Note that arithmetic operations like x ** 2
are much faster in NumPy, especially if the input data is already a NumPy array.
x ** 2
Code to reproduce the plots:
import perfplot
def standalone_map(data):
return map(hex, data)
def list_map(data):
return list(map(hex, data))
def comprehension(data):
return [hex(x) for x in data]
b = perfplot.bench(
setup=lambda n: list(range(n)),
kernels=[standalone_map, list_map, comprehension],
n_range=[2 ** k for k in range(20)],
import perfplot
import numpy as np
def standalone_map(data):
return map(lambda x: x ** 2, data[0])
def list_map(data):
return list(map(lambda x: x ** 2, data[0]))
def comprehension(data):
return [x ** 2 for x in data[0]]
def numpy_asarray(data):
return np.asarray(data[0]) ** 2
def numpy_direct(data):
return data[1] ** 2
b = perfplot.bench(
setup=lambda n: (list(range(n)), np.arange(n)),
kernels=[standalone_map, list_map, comprehension, numpy_direct, numpy_asarray],
n_range=[2 ** k for k in range(20)],
This is missing a whole of context: What hardware was it run on (CPU, microarchitecture type, number of cores, L1 cache size, L2 cache size, L3 cache size, clock frequency, total physical RAM, etc.)? Operating system (incl. 'edition', version, and patch level/build #). Version of Python, what Python interpreter, versions of the Python libraries, compilation/optimisation options for the Python interpreter, etc. Under what conditions? Commented Jan 16, 2023 at 0:33
1@PeterMortensen, I don't think those you mention matter, since all the tests run on the same computer– ScottCommented Feb 15, 2023 at 2:32
code is merely instantiating amap
object and doesn't perform any iteration - i.e., the computation of the hex/square values never actually happens. This explains the performance results, of course. It doesn't seem very useful to include this in the plots. Commented Mar 7, 2023 at 19:01
I tried the code by @alex-martelli but found some discrepancies
python -mtimeit -s "xs=range(123456)" "map(hex, xs)"
1000000 loops, best of 5: 218 nsec per loop
python -mtimeit -s "xs=range(123456)" "[hex(x) for x in xs]"
10 loops, best of 5: 19.4 msec per loop
map takes the same amount of time even for very large ranges while using list comprehension takes a lot of time as is evident from my code. So apart from being considered "unpythonic", I have not faced any performance issues relating to usage of map.
7This is a very old question, and the answer you are referring to was very likely written in reference to Python 2, where
returns a list. In Python 3,map
is lazily evaluated, so simply callingmap
doesn't compute any of the new list elements, hence why you get such short times.– kaya3Commented Dec 16, 2019 at 4:52 -
1I think you are using Python 3.x When I asked this question Python 3 had only recently been released and Python 2.x was very much the standard. Commented Dec 16, 2019 at 16:51
Performance measurement
Image Source: Experfy
You can see for yourself which is better between - list comprehension and the map function.
(list comprehension takes less time to process 1 million records when compared to a map function.)
3It's unclear what exact code was run or how large the samples were. Anyway, the big difference between the for-loop and map seems incorrect. Commented Dec 28, 2021 at 14:51
The source reference is not sufficiently accurate. Where precisely was it taken from? Please respond by editing (changing) your answer, not here in comments (but ************ without ************ "Edit:", "Update:", or similar - the answer should appear as if it was written today). Commented Jan 16, 2023 at 0:41
I consider that the most Pythonic way is to use a list comprehension instead of map
and filter
. The reason is that list comprehensions are clearer than map
and filter
In [1]: odd_cubes = [x ** 3 for x in range(10) if x % 2 == 1] # using a list comprehension
In [2]: odd_cubes_alt = list(map(lambda x: x ** 3, filter(lambda x: x % 2 == 1, range(10)))) # using map and filter
In [3]: odd_cubes == odd_cubes_alt
Out[3]: True
As you an see, a comprehension does not require extra lambda
expressions as map
needs. Furthermore, a comprehension also allows filtering easily, while map
requires filter
to allow filtering.
My use case:
def sum_items(*args):
return sum(args)
list_a = [1, 2, 3]
list_b = [1, 2, 3]
list_of_sums = list(map(sum_items,
list_a, list_b))
>>> [3, 6, 9]
comprehension = [sum(items) for items in iter(zip(list_a, list_b))]
I found myself starting to use more map, I thought map could be slower than comp due to pass and return arguments, that's why I found this post.
I believe using map could be much more readable and flexible, especially when I need to construct the values of the list.
You actually understand it when you read it if you used map.
def pair_list_items(*args):
return args
packed_list = list(map(pair_list_items,
lista, *listb, listc.....listn))
Plus the flexibility bonus. And thank for all other answers, plus the performance bonus.