
for example, EditAction has the Object proposal, how to user Struts validation framework to validate the fields of proposal. Annotation or XML configuration?

<s:form action="/process/sample/Edit" >
  <s:select name="proposal.study" label="Study" list="#attr.studyTypeListKey" multiple="true" size="3" required="true" />
  <s:textfield name="proposal.familyNumber" label="Family Number" maxlength="20" required="true"/>
  <s:textfield name="proposal.individualNumber" label="Individual Number" maxlength="10" required="true"/>
  <s:textfield name="proposal.alpha" label="Alpha" maxlength="30" required="true"/>
  <s:submit value="Modify"/>
  • are you asking about the differences between annotation validation and xml config validation and which to use?
    – nmc
    Sep 19, 2012 at 19:17
  • it seems that neither of them can be used. As a annotation should added to a particular field and "field name" as well. proposal is the field in action, it has getter and setter, but I want to validate the fields of proposal like proposal.familyNumber.
    – Jenny
    Sep 20, 2012 at 0:52
  • I know the documents, but it tells nothing about my problem.
    – Jenny
    Sep 20, 2012 at 0:53
  • @nmc could you help me?
    – Jenny
    Sep 20, 2012 at 1:01

1 Answer 1


Please try this code . It may be Work .

  1. Please Check your xwork jar version and Struts-core jar . It should be same .

  2. Field name and Textbox name should be same .

  • <s:form action="customer.action" method="post" validate="true"> may be its work
    – sumit
    Jun 12, 2014 at 9:29

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