My mobile web apps use a map link which automatically starts the mapping features of Android or iPhone by simply linking to "maps.google.com/maps?q=[something]". iOs 6 comes out, the links stop working, because Apple wants us to use "maps.APPLE.com". So now I have to specially detect iOs 6 and swap out links.

Is there a clean way to open the device/native mapping app from a mobile web app that works on Android, iOs 6, and iOs pre-6, since iOs 6 nerfed it?

Turns out ANYTHING you send to "maps.apple.com" gets forwarded to "maps.google.com"!

Both these links go to the same place



Recently updated documentation on Apple dev site... http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#featuredarticles/iPhoneURLScheme_Reference/Articles/MapLinks.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40007894-SW1

  • I'm not having any luck with the zoom parameter when opening the new Apple Maps app. The doc indicates that the z parameter is supported. No matter what value I use, the zoom is unaffected in the Apple Maps app. Have you had any luck with this?
    – Redtopia
    Oct 12, 2012 at 21:55

2 Answers 2


I tried this on my iPhone and maps.apple.com does launch the new Apple Maps app (however I only typed it into the address bar). When I followed the same link on my iMac using Chrome I was redirected to maps.google.com. I believe this is intentional on Apple's part. If you are targeting iPhones with iOS 6 then you'll want to switch from google.com to apple.com. It should be seamless.

[CONFIRMED - this works on my iPhone with iOS 6.0 - I no longer have a iOS 5.x device to confirm that this redirects on a previous version of iOS. It does do the redirect in Safari, but it is broken in the iPhone Simulator]

// javascript snippet to detect ipad/iphone OS version - these are notoriously fragile, use at your own risk :)
function getOsVersion() {
var osVersion = window.navigator.userAgent.match(/(ipad|iphone);\s+cpu\s.*os\s+([_0-9]+)/i);
if (osVersion && osVersion.length === 3) {
    return Number(osVersion[2].replace('_', '.'));

return 0;



In Android you can use these Intent URIs:


For example:

String uri = "geo:37.167629,-121.222478";
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(uri) );

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