I am getting a "Wrong type argument: commandp, (lambda nil (forward-line 5))" here.

(global-set-key [?\M-n] (lambda () (forward-line 5)))

What is the error? I'm fairly sure it's simple & I'm missing something obvious.

  • You're missing a closing parentheses. Probably not in your code though, only in the question. Commented Aug 9, 2009 at 7:09
  • As a side note: when you quote the anonymous function like that it won't be compiled. I imagine it's no big deal in your case, though. Commented Aug 10, 2009 at 19:57

4 Answers 4


global-set-key expects an interactive command. (lambda () (interactive) (forward-line 5)) ought to work.

By the way, C-h f commandp is a pretty good starting point for errors like that.

  • I think there are no down sides. From the documentation: >> The "call" to ‘interactive’ is actually a declaration rather than a function; it tells ‘call-interactively’ how to read arguments to pass to the function. When actually called, ‘interactive’ just returns nil.
    – Dangelov
    Commented Mar 18, 2019 at 13:38
  • 2
    So according to (commandp) documentation, lambda functions with top level call to (interactive) work, but how can I define a function with (defun) that would work?
    – peterhil
    Commented Aug 26, 2020 at 16:00
  • peterhil: The commandp docs are just very specific, and its description does already cover what defun produces (which is a lambda expression assigned to the function cell of a symbol). As to your question, the only difference in syntax is wrt the name / lack thereof: substitute defun foo in place of lambda and you have yourself a named function instead of an anonymous one. (And you should use named functions when binding keys in almost every instance.)
    – phils
    Commented Mar 6 at 5:44

The correct form should be this -

(global-set-key (kbd "M-n") (lambda () (interactive) (forward-line 5)))

The problem was that you forgot to put (interactive) (as brendan mentioned).

By the way, you will notice that I used the (kbd) function for specifying the key-binding. That function is immensely useful since you can put the key-bindings almost literally.


I've also seen this error on a new machine where I am using my usual .emacs file but haven't installed my packages, and the command to be executed is in one of those packages. (Because a command that can't be executed definitely isn't interactive!)


providing a function defined with defun should work the same way as a lambda, as long as it satisfies the same requirements.


(defun my-move-forward ()
 (forward-line 5))

should work.

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