I would like to make a link from a web page to a file on a local filesystem and make it work in all browsers (or at least in Internet Explorer, Firefox and Chrome).

For example, the following works in Internet Explorer:

<a href="\\myserver\doc\info.pdf">Info here</a>

but not in Firefox and Chrome.

Is there a way to make a link that works in all browsers?

Or a way to use javascript to detect which browser it is and then display the appropriate link based on the filename?


2 Answers 2


Links to local files on pages that were retrieved via HTTP(S) are deliberately disabled in Mozilla/Firefox, because they can be a security risk, and have been used in attacks in the past.

You can override this behaviour, however. For details, see this article in MozillaZine.

  • Very old but anyway, since I've got an issue with this: why is this a security issue? why is it more a problem compare to download the same file via HTTP?
    – Rafiki
    Commented Nov 24, 2017 at 9:20
  • @Rafiki: The linked article lists some risks. If you want to know more, this sounds like an excellent new question. Consider asking it as such on security.stackexchange.com .
    – sleske
    Commented Nov 24, 2017 at 9:38

try prefixing your url with file:///

  • 3
    You'll also need to convert the back slashes to forward slashes, thus your example would be file://///myserver/doc/info.pdf. This is covered in the link sleske gave in his answer.
    – Cahlroisse
    Commented Aug 10, 2009 at 12:35

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