The situation is you have a value in Seconds (XXX.XX), and you want to convert to HH:MM:SS using T-SQL.


  • 121.25 s becomes 00:02:01.25

15 Answers 15


You want to multiply out to milliseconds as the fractional part is discarded.

SELECT DATEADD(ms, 121.25 * 1000, 0)

If you want it without the date portion you can use CONVERT, with style 114

SELECT CONVERT(varchar, DATEADD(ms, 121.25 * 1000, 0), 114)
  • 3
    SELECT CONVERT(varchar, DATEADD(ms, 121.25 * 1000, 0), 114) is it. Aug 11, 2009 at 20:10
  • 29
    This won't work if you have more than 24 hours worth of seconds
    – JamWheel
    Mar 15, 2011 at 15:03
  • 27
    Very neat. Use 108 if you don't want milliseconds, ie hh:mi:ss
    – stuartd
    Jul 4, 2013 at 10:01
  • 8
    If you have SQL 2008+ and just want the time portion; instead of converting to varchar: SELECT CONVERT(time, DATEADD(ms, 121.25 * 1000, 0)) Aug 1, 2013 at 19:42
  • You can also do FORMAT(..., 'mm:ss')
    – Shiroy
    Mar 15, 2022 at 23:38

If your time amount exceeds 24 hours it won't be handled correctly with the DATEADD and CONVERT methods.

SELECT CONVERT(varchar, DATEADD(ms, 24*60*60 * 1000, 0), 114)

The following function will handle times exceeding 24 hours (~max 35,791,394 hours).

create function [dbo].[ConvertTimeToHHMMSS]
    @time decimal(28,3), 
    @unit varchar(20)
returns varchar(20)

    declare @seconds decimal(18,3), @minutes int, @hours int;

    if(@unit = 'hour' or @unit = 'hh' )
        set @seconds = @time * 60 * 60;
    else if(@unit = 'minute' or @unit = 'mi' or @unit = 'n')
        set @seconds = @time * 60;
    else if(@unit = 'second' or @unit = 'ss' or @unit = 's')
        set @seconds = @time;
    else set @seconds = 0; -- unknown time units

    set @hours = convert(int, @seconds /60 / 60);
    set @minutes = convert(int, (@seconds / 60) - (@hours * 60 ));
    set @seconds = @seconds % 60;

        convert(varchar(9), convert(int, @hours)) + ':' +
        right('00' + convert(varchar(2), convert(int, @minutes)), 2) + ':' +
        right('00' + convert(varchar(6), @seconds), 6)



select dbo.ConvertTimeToHHMMSS(123, 's')
select dbo.ConvertTimeToHHMMSS(96.999, 'mi')
select dbo.ConvertTimeToHHMMSS(35791394.999, 'hh')
  • Why the time longer then 24 hours will not be formatted correctly using DateAdd?
    – gotqn
    Nov 1, 2012 at 12:13
  • 5
    @gotqn: DateAdd() isn't the problem. Convert() is the problem. Convert() effectively wraps around to zero every 24 hours. If you use Convert() to format a 27-hour interval, it will return "03:00:00". Dec 14, 2012 at 2:29
  • How to handle this formatting if the use case says results can be negative hh:mm:ss (eg. -340:23:34, 03:-4:05,13:54:-8 etc)
    – OmGanesh
    Sep 14, 2017 at 0:52
  • 1
    This is the way to go. None of the other solutions here will work properly for HHMMSS formatting beyond 24 hours. This will also help keep your queries neat.
    – Krummelz
    May 14, 2019 at 0:26
  • Just be aware of the performance implications this function may have on larger datasets, and test accordingly. Especially with it being non-inlined causing any dependent queries (at any level) to not be applicable for parallelization.
    – J.D.
    Aug 10, 2023 at 15:41

For those having issues with using DATEADD and CONVERT for seconds exceeding 24 hours, we can use modulus to get around that:

SELECT CONVERT(varchar, @seconds / 86400 ) + ':' + -- Days
CONVERT(varchar, DATEADD(ms, ( @seconds % 86400 ) * 1000, 0), 114)
as "Converted to D:HH:MM:SS.MS"
DECLARE @seconds AS int = 896434;
    CONVERT(varchar, (@seconds / 86400))                --Days
    + ':' +
    CONVERT(varchar, DATEADD(ss, @seconds, 0), 108);    --Hours, Minutes, Seconds


  • 4
    This should be the accepted answer -- it deals with seconds, as the O.P. asked, avoids using an inefficient scalar function, and deals with multi-day spans appropriately. The only minor nit I would add is that, in SQL Agent land, your elapsed-time/time-intervals for the "days" part typically use "days.hh:mm:ss", i.e. a dot instead of colon. So for example 2.01:03:04 for 2 days, 1 hour, 3 minutes, 4 seconds. Cheers!
    – NateJ
    Jul 6, 2017 at 22:31

Using SQL Server 2008

declare @Seconds as int = 3600;
SELECT CONVERT(time(0), DATEADD(SECOND, @Seconds, 0)) as 'hh:mm:ss'
  • 3
    let me know the reason for downvoting. Jan 21, 2017 at 11:36
  • Can't assign the result to a variable For example:
    – Dan H.
    Aug 25, 2022 at 20:25

Using SQL Server 05 I can get this to work by using:

declare @OrigValue int;
set @OrigValue = 121.25;
select replace(str(@OrigValue/3600,len(ltrim(@OrigValue/3600))+abs(sign(@OrigValue/359999)-1)) + ':' + str((@OrigValue/60)%60,2) + ':' + str(@OrigValue%60,2),' ','0')
  • 1
    this did not work for me. if you pass 896434 seconds - you want 10:09:00:34:000 and not 249:00:34 Sep 21, 2016 at 13:08

Just in case this might be still interesting to anyone. The 'Format' Function can also be used, with SQL Server 2012+

Declare @Seconds INT = 1000000;
SELECT FORMAT(CAST(@Seconds/86400.000 AS datetime), 'HH:mm:ss');


Declare @Seconds INT = 1000000;
SELECT CAST(FORMAT(CAST(@Seconds/86400.000 AS datetime), 'HH:mm:ss') AS TIME);
  • The FORMAT function is about 22 times slower than just about any other method you could come up with.
    – Jeff Moden
    Feb 14, 2023 at 19:44
  • I'll take your word for it. Have never had queries where this impacted performance.
    – G.P.
    Feb 16, 2023 at 8:41
DECLARE @TimeinSecond INT
SET @TimeinSecond = 340 -- Change the seconds
SELECT RIGHT('0' + CAST(@TimeinSecond / 3600 AS VARCHAR),2) + ':' +
RIGHT('0' + CAST((@TimeinSecond / 60) % 60 AS VARCHAR),2)  + ':' +
RIGHT('0' + CAST(@TimeinSecond % 60 AS VARCHAR),2)
  • this did not work for me. if you pass 896434 seconds - you want 10:09:00:34 and not 49:00:34 Nov 30, 2023 at 11:08
SELECT substring(convert (varchar(23),Dateadd(s,10000,LEFT(getdate(),11)),121),12,8)

10000 is your value in sec


This is what I use (typically for html table email reports)

declare @time int, @hms varchar(20)
set @time = 12345
set @hms = cast(cast((@Time)/3600 as int) as varchar(3)) 
  +':'+ right('0'+ cast(cast(((@Time)%3600)/60 as int) as varchar(2)),2) 
  +':'+ right('0'+ cast(((@Time)%3600)%60 as varchar(2)),2) +' (hh:mm:ss)'
select @hms
DECLARE @Seconds INT = 86200;
CAST(CONVERT(VARCHAR(12), @Seconds / 60 / 60 % 24)
+':'+ CONVERT(VARCHAR(2), @Seconds / 60 % 60)
+':'+ CONVERT(VARCHAR(2), @Seconds % 60) AS TIME), 100) AS [HH:MM:SS (AM/PM)]

enter image description here


You can try this

set @duration= 112000
   "Time" = cast (@duration/3600 as varchar(3)) +'H'
         + Case 
       when ((@duration%3600 )/60)<10 then
                 '0'+ cast ((@duration%3600 )/60)as varchar(3))
               cast ((@duration/60) as varchar(3))

I use this:

cast(datediff(hh, '1900-01-01', dateadd(s, @Seconds), 0)) as varchar(10))
+ right(convert(char(8), dateadd(s, @Seconds), 0), 108),6) AS [Duration(H:MM:SS)]

Maybe you can use this:

To get a value with time datatype:

select convert(time(0),cast(0 as datetime)+3661*1e0/24/60/60)

To get a value with char datatype:

select convert(char,cast(0 as datetime)+3661*1e0/24/60/60,108)
  • time(0) returns a time with minimal precision (hh:mm:s)
  • cast(0 as datetime) returns 1900-01-01 ...
  • 3661 is your number in seconds= 1 hour 1 minute 1 second
  • 1e0 prevent truncations (it's the number 1 expanded with decimal)
  • datetime+1= tomorrow, and datetime+1e0/24/60/60= 1 second
  • or replace that, with .../24/3600 (one less calculation)


CAST((Duration)/60 AS NVARCHAR(9)) + ':' + RIGHT('00' + CAST(Duration % 60 AS NVARCHAR(9)), 2)
  • 5
    Please don't post code-only answers. Future readers will be grateful to see explained why this answers the question instead of having to infer it from the code. Also, since this is an old question, please explain how it complements all other answers. (BTW, the answer isn't correct) Jul 19, 2022 at 11:17

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