Automated update setup in 5 mins
OK, guys. The best possible way for now to perform automatic CloudFront update (invalidation) is to create Lambda function that will be triggered every time when any file is uploaded to S3 bucket (a new one or rewritten).
Even if you never used lambda functions before, it is really easy -- just follow my step-by-step instructions and it will take just 5 mins:
Step 1
Go to and click Create a lambda function
Step 2
Click on Blank Function (custom)
Step 3
Click on empty (stroked) box and select S3 from combo
Step 4
Select your Bucket (same as for CloudFront distribution)
Step 5
Set an Event Type to "Object Created (All)"
Step 6
Set Prefix and Suffix or leave it empty if you don't know what it is.
Step 7
Check Enable trigger checkbox and click Next
Step 8
Name your function (something like: YourBucketNameS3ToCloudFrontOnCreateAll)
Step 9
Select Python 2.7 (or later) as Runtime
Step 10
Paste following code instead of default python code:
from __future__ import print_function
import boto3
import time
def lambda_handler(event, context):
for items in event["Records"]:
path = "/" + items["s3"]["object"]["key"]
client = boto3.client('cloudfront')
invalidation = client.create_invalidation(DistributionId='_YOUR_DISTRIBUTION_ID_',
'Paths': {
'Quantity': 1,
'Items': [path]
'CallerReference': str(time.time())
Step 11
Open in a new browser tab and copy your CloudFront distribution ID for use in next step.
Step 12
Return to lambda tab and paste your distribution id instead of _YOUR_DISTRIBUTION_ID_ in the Python code. Keep surrounding quotes.
Step 13
Set handler: lambda_function.lambda_handler
Step 14
Click on the role combobox and select Create a custom role. New tab in browser will be opened.
Step 15
Click view policy document, click edit, click OK and replace role definition with following (as is):
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:logs:*:*:*"
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
Step 16
Click allow. This will return you to a lambda. Double check that role name that you just created is selected in the Existing role combobox.
Step 17
Set Memory (MB) to 128 and Timeout to 5 sec.
Step 18
Click Next, then click Create function
Step 19
You are good to go! Now on, each time you will upload/reupload any file to S3, it will be evaluated in all CloudFront Edge locations.
PS - When you are testing, make sure that your browser is loading images from CloudFront, not from local cache.
PSS - Please note, that only first 1000 files invalidation per month are for free, each invalidation over limit cost $0.005 USD. Also additional charges for Lambda function may apply, but it is extremely cheap.