I have a function which calculates taxes.

function taxes(tax, taxWage) 
    var minWage = firstTier; //defined as a global variable
    if (taxWage > minWage) 
        //calculates tax recursively calling two other functions difference() and taxStep() 
        tax = tax + difference(taxWage) * taxStep(taxWage);
        var newSalary = taxWage - difference(taxWage);
        taxes(tax, newSalary); 
        returnTax = tax + taxWage * taxStep(taxWage);
        return returnTax;

I can't see why it doesn't stop the recursion.

  • What is your question? And, what does this code have to do with the title of your question?
    – jfriend00
    Commented Oct 5, 2012 at 0:40
  • You say it recurses but there's no code that recurses here.
    – Lee Taylor
    Commented Oct 5, 2012 at 0:41
  • @raam86 But it's quite probably that that code is at fault...
    – Lee Taylor
    Commented Oct 5, 2012 at 0:46
  • @raam86 Yep, just as suspected.
    – Lee Taylor
    Commented Oct 5, 2012 at 0:51
  • 1
    @raam86 I did the same mistake to my code ffs. After I found your question I realised what was going on with my code and that I was looking the bug in the wrong place. I've upvoted you for that reason.
    – vlad_o
    Commented Jul 22, 2015 at 10:05

3 Answers 3


In this arm of your function:

if (taxWage > minWage) {
    // calculates tax recursively calling two other functions difference() and taxStep() 
    tax = tax + difference(taxWage) * taxStep(taxWage);
    var newSalary = taxWage - difference(taxWage);
    taxes(tax, newSalary); 

you are not returning a value from the function or setting returnTax. When you don't return anything, the return value is undefined.

Perhaps, you want this:

if (taxWage > minWage) {
    // calculates tax recursively calling two other functions difference() and taxStep() 
    tax = tax + difference(taxWage) * taxStep(taxWage);
    var newSalary = taxWage - difference(taxWage);
    return taxes(tax, newSalary); 

There is a bug with your recursion:

taxes(tax, newSalary);

You don't return anything when the condition in the if evaluates to true. You need to change that to:

return taxes(tax, newSalary);

You have the necessary return statement in the else.

  • 2
    This helped, but I'm interested in knowing why return is necessary for the recursion to operate correctly.
    – artomason
    Commented Mar 25, 2019 at 0:04
  • 4
    If you want your function to return a value, then you must return a value. In javascript, a function without a return will return undefined. Recursion itself doesn't require a return (eg: print out the nodes in a tree), but if you want the function to return something then it needs return. You can explore this by stepping through the function in a debugger.
    – dsh
    Commented Mar 25, 2019 at 17:21
  • I think what confused me about it how it works in JavaScript was the fact that I expected that calling the function itself was enough to instantiate recursion. For instance; incrementing a number then calling the function and passing it back to itself. Either way, this was helpful, I was just curious.
    – artomason
    Commented Mar 25, 2019 at 22:37

For example taxes(tax, newSalary); returns 100;

taxes(tax, newSalary); // undefined

You expect to see 100 because you called taxes(tax, newSalary) recursively but in fact you got the value (100) and you need to return this value.

return taxes(tax, newSalary); // 100
// simply it's the same as
// return 100
// because taxes(tax, newSalary) returned 100

after return 100 you will get this value.

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