Is there a way to capture the warnings, something like rescue for exceptions? I do not want to simply disable the warnings (by doing $VERBOSE = nil) but want to capture the content of the warning messages during run time.

3 Answers 3


You can redirect stderr to a StringIO object to capture the warnings output in a string:

require 'stringio'

old_stderr = $stderr
$stderr = StringIO.new
Foo = 1
Foo = 2 # generates a warning
puts $stderr.string # prints the warning
$stderr = old_stderr
require 'stringio'

def capture_stderr
  old, $stderr = $stderr, StringIO.new
  result = yield
  [result, $stderr.string]
  $stderr = old

This is kinda ugly because you will be writing to files and you might not have permission to write to them, and it will hide ALL output to $stderr, not just the warnings, but it works:

MyConst = 4
MyConst = 5   # generates a warning on the standard error output
puts "The following errors happened:"
puts File.read("errors.txt")
  • Can it be redirected to some Ruby internal IO rather than an external file?
    – sawa
    Oct 6, 2012 at 17:48

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