My game is designed for landscape only (screen resolution 1024*768 - iPad resolution).

My game scene is rendered correctly on every platform supported by PlayN (Android, html etc). The problem with iOS only.

I have prepared all the resources for iPad screen resolution, setup info.plist file, registered platform using IOSPlatform.register(app, IOSPlatform.SupportedOrients.LANDSCAPES);

When I run my application everything regarding device orientaton is correct, but game scene isn't fully rendered. It is rendered for the resolution 768*768 (Not all of the scene objects are visible - only objects that belong to 768*768 rect are visible) and the remaining screen space is black.

I've investigated the issue in the following way:

  1. Applied scale transform to rootLayer (to make sure the entire scene is rendered). PlayN.graphics().rootLayer().setScale(0.75f, 0.75f); Result - game scene fits in 768*768 rect and I can see all game scene objects.
  2. Applied translate transform to rootLayer (to make sure PlayN doesn't render scene outside of 768*768 rect). PlayN.graphics ().rootLayer().setTranslation(1024.0f - 768.0f, 0.0f); Result - game scene is translated, but objects that are not belong to 768*768 screen rect are not visible.

My guess is that PlayN prepares its drawing context for the 768*1024 screen resolution (default iPad orientation resolution). When it renders the screen the objects located outside of 768*1024 rectangle are clipped (not rendered).

Any help or ideas what can cause such strange behavior would be very appreciated.


2 Answers 2


The problem is in the following:

  • iOS doesn't change main window frame and root view frame after device rotation (while Android does - I've checked).
  • PlayN code expects that view size after rotation should be changed from 768*1024 (default orientation) to 1024*768.

Actual result: PlayN transforms game scene using transform matrix but doesn't change OpenGL framebuffer size (framebuffer size is still 768*1024)

I've fixed this issue by adding the next piece of code to IOSGLContext:

public void setSize (int width, int height)
    if (UIDeviceOrientation.LandscapeLeft == orient || UIDeviceOrientation.LandscapeRight == orient)
        Console.WriteLine("Swap IOSGLContext width and height for " + UIDeviceOrientation.wrap(orient));
        viewWidth = height;
        viewHeight = width;
        viewWidth = width;
        viewHeight = height;
    super.setSize(viewWidth, viewHeight);

Now everything work as expected!

If you have any other ideas how to fix this issue I will be glad to discuss them)



download the latest PlayN-1.5 snapshot (from -> https://github.com/threerings/playn not from google code). This issue is fixed in that version

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