I have text file like this format:

SomeText.any_text/ch SomeText2.any_3/ch 5.6e-5
SomeText.any_text/ch something.else.point.separated/ch4 5.4e5

in line I have three elements: two - alpha-numerical-underscored-slashed strings and one - float number.

I need to replace points to slashes only at strings.

I have try to use sed with regular expression like this

sed 's/\([\w_]\+\)\(\.\)/\1\//g'

And don't have positive result.

  • y are u using \(\) and \1..
    – Anirudha
    Commented Oct 17, 2012 at 6:35
  • @Anirudha: (a) Please don't use SMS-ese on SO. (b) POSIX sed (meaning portable sed) uses \(...\); GNU sed is non-standard and doesn't use that notation unless you ask it to with --posix, but ... well, let's say that the point (one of the points) of having standards is to make it easy to move software around, and GNU sed being non-standard makes it harder on everyone. (OTOH, POSIX sed does not recognize \w as a metacharacter sequence.) Commented Oct 17, 2012 at 6:46
  • @JonathanLeffler sed makes it so difficult
    – Anirudha
    Commented Oct 17, 2012 at 6:48

4 Answers 4


This might work for you (GNU sed):

sed 's/[^ ]*$/\n&/;h;y/./\//;G;s/\n.*\n//' file


  • s/[^ ]*$/\n&/ insert a newline before the last field
  • h copy the pattern space (PS) to the hold space (HS)
  • y/./\// translate all .'s to /'s in the PS
  • G append a newline then HS to the PS
  • s/\n.*\n// remove everything between the first and last newlines i.e. delete the old strings

This idiom can be used to simplify changing part of a line without the need to resorting to complicated regexp's


Your elements look like fields. Therefore, my preferred method would be to use awk:

awk '{ for (i=1; i<=2; i++) gsub(/\./, "/", $i) }1' file.txt


SomeText/any_text/ch SomeText2/any_3/ch 5.6e-5
SomeText/any_text/ch something/else/point/separated/ch4 5.4e5

You can do this in classic sed notation with a couple of loops, one to fix dots in the first field, and one to fix dots in the second field.

sed -e ':f1' -e 's/^\([^ .]*\)\./\1\//'                  -e 't f1' \
    -e ':f2' -e 's/^\([^ ][^ ]*\) \([^ .]*\)\./\1 \2\//' -e 't f2'

The ^ anchors are crucial to this working correctly. Yes, you can write it all on one line in a single argument to sed; I prefer the clarity of separate arguments when the script is a complex as this. A typical sed script is inscrutable enough without adding any extra obstacles to comprehension.

sed ':f1;s/^\([^ .]*\)\./\1\//;t f1;:f2;s/^\([^ ][^ ]*\) \([^ .]*\)\./\1 \2\//;t f2'

For your input sample (two lines), the output is:

SomeText/any_text/ch SomeText2/any_3/ch 5.6e-5
SomeText/any_text/ch something/else/point/separated/ch4 5.4e5

If you're using GNU sed, you might need to add --posix to the options, though it seemed to behave itself correctly (so it probably recognized that I wasn't using any non-POSIX notations and therefore stuck with POSIX).

Tested on Mac OS X 10.7.5 with BSD sed and GNU sed.

awk '{gsub(/\./,"",$1);;gsub(/\./,"",$2);print}' your_file

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