I know that the convention in Java for boolean getters is include the prefix "is".


But what if the subject is plural? That is, what if instead of wanting to know if a store is open, I wanted to know if all the stores are open?

isStoresOpen() doesn't make sense in English.

I'm tempted to write getters like:


And I think that would make sense, but I've been told by others that I should just suck it up and abandon subject verb agreement and use isStoresOpen, isDogsCute, isCatsFuzzy.

Anyway, what should I do for boolean getters which operate on a plural subject?

  • 4
    I never see before a are*() getter.
    – rekire
    Commented Oct 18, 2012 at 17:44
  • 23
    I always write are*() getters if they're grammatically correct. Commented Oct 18, 2012 at 17:44
  • 2
    If your object is a bean, I think you have to stick to either is or has...
    – assylias
    Commented Oct 18, 2012 at 17:45
  • 4
    if you are using are*() getter then it should return boolean[] in most cases, i think.
    – Juvanis
    Commented Oct 18, 2012 at 17:47
  • 9
    Often it is not too hard to rephrase things so that a plural "all" becomes a singular "any" with a negated result (e.g. De Morgan's laws). areAllStoresClosed() --> isAnyStoreOpen() or areAllStoresOpen() --> isAnyStoreClosed()
    – jacobq
    Commented Jan 22, 2014 at 16:10

12 Answers 12


How about having decent enough english and following Java standard:

  • **are**StoresOpen() > to be >> isEveryStoreOpen()
  • **are**CatsCute() > to be >> isEachCatCute()

When in doubt of the right word I always like to hit up the thesaurus.

  • 32
    +1, this clearly conveys whether the returned value means isEveryStoreOpen() or isAnyStoreOpen() unlike the ambiguous isStoresOpen().
    – Imre
    Commented Jun 24, 2015 at 9:49
  • 12
    +1 This should be the accepted answer! Makes sense grammatically while keeping the Java booleans is prefix convention. Plus, it provides a little bit of extra info that will be really useful for those non-native English speakers that happen to be maintainers of the codebase.
    – higuaro
    Commented Oct 7, 2018 at 4:56
  • 4
    This answer changed my life! And it should be the accepted answer. Commented Jan 10, 2019 at 13:16
  • 1
    Yeah, but how do you phrase a variable name that conveys the following: "Are SOME [not all] stores open"?
    – Michael P.
    Commented Nov 29, 2020 at 0:23
  • 1
    How about isAnyCatCute() or isAtLeastOneCatCute()?
    – satur9nine
    Commented Nov 29, 2020 at 4:57

I can't remember which book this was from, but the essence is that code will be read many more times than it's written. Write for readability.

  • 25
    Clean Code - Robert Martin
    – John B
    Commented Oct 18, 2012 at 17:50
  • John B: I haven't read that book; maybe I read a reference to it. Another book for my list, though. :)
    – John
    Commented Oct 18, 2012 at 17:55
  • 9
    But be very careful you don't go too far. storesAreOpen() would likely be the most grammatical (because of if(storesAreOpen())), but the boolean part of the name is now hidden in the middle of the method name, which breaks Java conventions and readable code.
    – Izkata
    Commented Oct 18, 2012 at 21:04
  • 3
    He answers the question in a very general way. It's true he doesn't address the specifics, but this is an answer. It may seem trite, but there is value to it (at least 24 people think so). Commented May 16, 2013 at 1:17
  • 5
    in order to clarify the answer I would add remark that areStoresOpen() is a good choice here.
    – kiedysktos
    Commented Apr 14, 2016 at 8:48

The convention is to prefix the getter-method with "is" not the variale itself.


private boolean enabled;

public boolean isEnabled() {
    return enabled;


private boolean storesOpen;

public boolean isStoresOpen() {
    return storesOpen;

isStoresOpen() doesn't make sense in English.

It might not make sense grammatically, but it follows the convention and looks readable enough.

  • Your answer makes sense, and I appreciate it. I think from an authoritative right/wrong position, you're right. I just don't want a convention that was intended to help us by being obvious, clear and easy to understand to abandon that purpose for the sake of adhering to its rules. But you're right - this is how it is, and that's what I asked about.
    – kodai
    Commented Oct 18, 2012 at 18:21
  • @kodai: I think it should not be considered as rule, but just a convention. But I believe while, writing code not following the convention, if it is not required, to make the code readable is the way to go. Commented Oct 18, 2012 at 23:47

The Java Bean specification says to use get for getters unless it's a boolean then use is. are is non-standard and will not be recognized by anything that expects standard Bean naming.


Lots of tools expect is or get and won't likely recognize are.

Try rephrasing them, like getDogsAreFuzzy() or getStoresAreOpen() or things like that for better compatibility and conventions.

  • Yes. Tools like bean utilities count on the word is to find boolean getters.
    – nalply
    Commented Oct 19, 2012 at 7:00

What do you code, English or Java?

When I read Java code, I expect things to be structural. Boolean methods starting with is is a good structure.

return 0; 

- isEnabled() can also be written as getEnabled() in Java naming conventions.

- Its just a good habit to follow the naming conventions, help when you are working with Java Beans.


In general I think code should be as easily readable as possible so that a method can almost be read as a paragraph (as espoused by Clean Code). Therefore, I would name the method to sound / read as easily as possible and go with the grammer rule of are. With modern IDEs it is easy to find methods without looking specifically for get / is.

However, Kumar makes a good point about beans. A lot of tools will only look for get / is. In that case I might consider having both methods. One for ease of reading and one for tool use.


In your question you're explicitly asking about getters. A getter returns some information about one instance of your class. For example you have a class Store. Now, isStoreOpen is a perfectly fine method name for a getter.

Next, you mention a method that checks if all stores are open. This method isn't a getter at all, because it doesn't return information about one instance but for all. Of course unless there is a class Stores. If this is the case, you should rethink your design, because Java already has ways to store a number of instances, e.g. arrays or collections, so you don't have to write extra classes.

If this is not the case, then this method name is perfectly fine. An alternative may be just allStoresOpen without the 'is'.

TL;DR: If you're dealing with multiple instances, it's not a getter. If it is, your design is bad.


Quite honestly I would say definitely forget about the are* and stick with is*. Think of the "is" as the variable meaning and make a better name if possible.

I would say is isStoresOpen doesn't sound that bad, but you can make isStoresAreOpen if that sounds better for you.

But my general idea would be to stick to the conventions. Which is using "get" for getters and "is" for boolean types. Personally I think using "is" is sometimes already problematic. Yes - it does look good in "if" conditions, but sometimes I just write "get" when coding and check the drop down list for my needed variable and start wondering what's wrong and why I can't find it, then I realize it starts with "is"...


isStoresOpen() in this StoresOpen is seems like a plural,

When you follow that Java Naming Convention and Java Beans Standards, they have predefined prefix's for boolean and other type, so you should follow Java Beans Naming Convention.

Let's come to your point When you see storesOpen as in an English prospective, yes it looks like plural. Once again take deep observation into that word,


storesOpen is plural according to English grammar,

The out come of the isStoresOpen is not plural, instead of it is singular or you can say it is scalar in terms of programming convention.

It's out come is boolean, just true or false

Not like your English plural statement true's or false's

Not an array of true or false, or not a collections of true or false

So, here we can say that, here we are concerned with value that is return from that boolean bean method, not the name given to the property of class to point real world entity.

One more important thing is, whenever such boolean properties are used in classes and those are used by predefined libraries in any framework, then framework with use prefix 'is' for retrieving boolean values,

why means it's not that much of smarter than you as you know English grammar like plural/singular, multiplexer etc...


In object-oriented programming, this should rarely, if ever, occur since Store or Cat or what have you should be a separate class, with its own isOpen() or isFuzzy() method. If you have a higher type, consider splitting down to the more atomic level that you're actually using. In general, objects should not be plural at the lowest level.

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