I have a little problem with templates. Since it's easier to explain with code, here is my problem.

I have an interface class :

template <typename T>
class IElemValidator
    virtual bool validate(T val) const = 0 ;
    virtual ~IElemValidator(){};

and a typedef struct :

template <typename T>
struct vecValidators
    typedef boost::ptr_vector<IElemValidator<T>> Type;

I can use my typedef struct everywhere except in the parameters of another template classe like this :

template <typename T>
class CTestMaybe
    CTestMaybe(vecValidators<T>::Type* a_Validators);

When trying to compile, I have this error:

Error   2   error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'Type'

Of course, I can do this :

template <typename T>
class CTestMaybe
    typedef boost::ptr_vector<IElemValidator<T>> vecValidator;

    CTestMaybe(vecValidator* a_Validators);


and it's working well but I'm kinda loosing the interest of my struct class.

So, what I'm doing wrong ? Is there a "correct" way to do what I want ?



3 Answers 3


You have to add typename:

template <typename T>
class CTestMaybe
    CTestMaybe(typename vecValidators<T>::Type* a_Validators);
  • Oh thanks. I knew there was something with typename but I couldn't find where to put it.
    – darkpotpot
    Oct 19, 2012 at 8:07

The type vecValidators<T>::Type is a dependent name (if I get the terminology right). This means you have to put an extra typename there:

CTestMaybe(typename vecValidators<T>::Type* a_Validators);

C++ compiler a type in your function declaration, but instead it see vecValidators<T>::Type* and since vecValidators is a template it don't know that Type is a type inside of it, so you must say it to the compiler using typename so you should change your function to:

CTestMaybe(typename vecValidators<T>::Type* a_Validators);

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