I've seen this example:

echo ${hello//[0-9]/}

Which follows this syntax: ${variable//pattern/replacement}

Unfortunately the pattern field doesn't seem to support full regex syntax (if I use . or \s, for example, it tries to match the literal characters).

How can I search/replace a string using full regex syntax?

  • Found a related question here: stackoverflow.com/questions/5658085/…
    – jheddings
    Commented Oct 24, 2012 at 5:37
  • 3
    FYI, \s isn't part of standard POSIX-defined regular expression syntax (neither BRE or ERE); it's a PCRE extension, and mostly not available from shell. [[:space:]] is the more universal equivalent. Commented Jul 8, 2014 at 16:49
  • 2
    \s can be replaced by [[:space:]], by the way, . by ?, and extglob extensions to the baseline shell pattern language can be used for things like optional subgroups, repeated groups, and the like. Commented Feb 5, 2015 at 20:25
  • I use this in bash version 4.1.11 on Solaris... echo ${hello//[0-9]} Notice the lack of the final slash. Commented Aug 24, 2018 at 3:35

10 Answers 10


Use sed:

echo "$MYVAR" | sed -e 's/[a-zA-Z]/X/g' -e 's/[0-9]/N/g'

Note that the subsequent -e's are processed in order. Also, the g flag for the expression will match all occurrences in the input.

You can also pick your favorite tool using this method, i.e. perl, awk, e.g.:

echo "$MYVAR" | perl -pe 's/[a-zA-Z]/X/g and s/[0-9]/N/g'

This may allow you to do more creative matches... For example, in the snip above, the numeric replacement would not be used unless there was a match on the first expression (due to lazy and evaluation). And of course, you have the full language support of Perl to do your bidding...

  • This only does a single replace as far as I can tell. Is there a way to have it replace all occurances of the pattern like what the code I posted does?
    – Lanaru
    Commented Oct 24, 2012 at 5:21
  • I've updated my answer to demonstrate multiple replacements as well as global pattern matching. Let me know if that helps.
    – jheddings
    Commented Oct 24, 2012 at 5:28
  • 16
    Using sed or other external tools is expensive due to process initialization time. I especially searched for all-bash solution, because I found using bash substitutions to be more than 3x faster than calling sed for each item in my loop.
    – rr-
    Commented Oct 11, 2014 at 13:36
  • 9
    @CiroSantilli六四事件法轮功纳米比亚威视, granted, that's the common wisdom, but that doen't make it wise. Yes, bash is slow no matter what -- but well-written bash that avoids subshells is literally orders of magnitude faster than bash that calls external tools for every tiny little task. Also, well-written shell scripts will benefit from faster interpreters (like ksh93, which has performance on par with awk), whereas poorly-written ones there's nothing to be done for. Commented Aug 10, 2015 at 15:11
  • 1
    I'd recommend perl instead of sed due to portability issues between the Linux version of sed and the BSD version that's used on, eg, MacOS. Commented Apr 12, 2021 at 3:40

This actually can be done in pure bash:

while [[ $hello =~ $re ]]; do
echo "$hello"


  • 4
    Something tells me you will love these: stackoverflow.com/questions/5624969/… =)
    – nickl-
    Commented Mar 10, 2014 at 10:03
  • 4
    Calling sed or perl is sensible, if using each invocation to process more than a single line of input. Invoking such a tool on the inside of a loop, as opposed to using a loop to process its output stream, is foolhardy. Commented Jun 14, 2015 at 13:59
  • 3
    FYI, in zsh, it's just $match instead of $BASH_REMATCH. (You can make it behave like bash with setopt bash_rematch.)
    – Marian
    Commented May 3, 2017 at 0:14
  • 1
    It's odd -- inasmuch as zsh isn't trying to be a POSIX shell, it's arguably following the letter of POSIX guidance about all-caps variables being used for POSIX-specified (shell or system-relevant) purposes and lowercase variables being reserved for application use. But inasmuch as zsh is something that runs applications, rather than an application itself, this decision to use application variable namespace rather than the system namespace seems awfully perverse. Commented Oct 16, 2017 at 21:16
  • 1
    @Fonic, well, the easy (and generally more-correct) thing is to change your re so it can't do that; re='(.*)([0-9]+)(.*)' and it's moot. But having a group to match the content being removed and adding && [[ ${BASH_REMATCH[2]} ]] to the while loop's conditions so it exits on a zero-length match in a group corresponding with the content being removed is an alternative. Commented Dec 23, 2022 at 14:29

These examples also work in bash no need to use sed:

echo ${MYVAR//[0-9]/N}

you can also use the character class bracket expressions

echo ${MYVAR//[[:digit:]]/N}



What @Lanaru wanted to know however, if I understand the question correctly, is why the "full" or PCRE extensions \s\S\w\W\d\D etc don't work as supported in php ruby python etc. These extensions are from Perl-compatible regular expressions (PCRE) and may not be compatible with other forms of shell based regular expressions.

These don't work:

echo ${hello//\d/}

echo $hello | sed 's/\d//g'

output with all literal "d" characters removed


but the following does work as expected

echo $hello | perl -pe 's/\d//g'



Hope that clarifies things a bit more but if you are not confused yet why don't you try this on Mac OS X which has the REG_ENHANCED flag enabled:

echo $MYVAR | grep -o -E '\d'

On most flavours of *nix you will only see the following output:



  • 6
    Pardon? ${foo//$bar/$baz} is not POSIX.2 BRE or ERE syntax -- it's fnmatch()-style pattern matching. Commented Mar 7, 2014 at 21:52
  • 8
    ...so, whereas ${hello//[[:digit:]]/} works, if we wanted to filter out only digits preceded by the letter o, ${hello//o[[:digit:]]*} would have an entirely different behavior than the one expected (since in fnmatch patterns, * matches all characters, rather than modifying the immediately prior item to be 0-or-more). Commented Mar 7, 2014 at 22:01
  • 2
    See pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/utilities/… (and all that it incorporates by reference) for the full spec on fnmatch. Commented Mar 7, 2014 at 22:02
  • 1
    man bash: An additional binary operator, =~, is available, with the same precedence as == and !=. When it is used, the string to the right of the operator is considered an extended regular expression and matched accordingly (as in regex(3)).
    – nickl-
    Commented Mar 10, 2014 at 4:22
  • 1
    @aderchox you are correct, for digits you can use [0-9] or [[:digit:]]
    – nickl-
    Commented Jul 17, 2019 at 13:41

If you are making repeated calls and are concerned with performance, This test reveals the BASH method is ~15x faster than forking to sed and likely any other external process.


P1=$(date +%s)

for i in {1..10000}
   echo $hello | sed s/X//g > /dev/null

P2=$(date +%s)
echo $[$P2-$P1]

for i in {1..10000}
   echo ${hello//X/} > /dev/null

P3=$(date +%s)
echo $[$P3-$P2]

Use [[:digit:]] (note the double brackets) as the pattern:

$ hello=ho02123ware38384you443d34o3434ingtod38384day
$ echo ${hello//[[:digit:]]/}

Just wanted to summarize the answers (especially @nickl-'s https://stackoverflow.com/a/22261334/2916086).


I know this is an ancient thread, but it was my first hit on Google, and I wanted to share the following resub that I put together, which adds support for multiple $1, $2, etc. backreferences...

#!/usr/bin/env bash

###  resub - regex substitution in bash  ###

resub() {
    local match="$1" subst="$2" tmp

    if [[ -z $match ]]; then
        echo "Usage: echo \"some text\" | resub '(.*) (.*)' '\$2 me \${1}time'" >&2
        return 1

    ### First, convert "$1" to "$BASH_REMATCH[1]" and 'single-quote' for later eval-ing...

    ### Utility function to 'single-quote' a list of strings
    squot() { local a=(); for i in "$@"; do a+=( $(echo \'${i//\'/\'\"\'\"\'}\' )); done; echo "${a[@]}"; }

    while [[ $subst =~ (.*)\${([0-9]+)}(.*) ]] || [[ $subst =~ (.*)\$([0-9]+)(.*) ]]; do
        tmp="\${BASH_REMATCH[${BASH_REMATCH[2]}]}$(squot "${BASH_REMATCH[3]}")${tmp}"
    subst="$(squot "${subst}")${tmp}"

    ### Now start (globally) substituting

    while read line; do
        while [[ $line =~ $match(.*) ]]; do
            eval tmp='"${tmp}${line%${BASH_REMATCH[0]}}"'"${subst}"
            line="${BASH_REMATCH[$(( ${#BASH_REMATCH[@]} - 1 ))]}"
        echo "${tmp}${line}"

resub "$@"

###  EXAMPLES  ###

###  % echo "The quick brown fox jumps quickly over the lazy dog" | resub quick slow
###    The slow brown fox jumps slowly over the lazy dog

###  % echo "The quick brown fox jumps quickly over the lazy dog" | resub 'quick ([^ ]+) fox' 'slow $1 sheep'
###    The slow brown sheep jumps quickly over the lazy dog

###  % animal="sheep"
###  % echo "The quick brown fox 'jumps' quickly over the \"lazy\" \$dog" | resub 'quick ([^ ]+) fox' "\"\$low\" \${1} '$animal'"
###    The "$low" brown 'sheep' 'jumps' quickly over the "lazy" $dog

###  % echo "one two three four five" | resub "one ([^ ]+) three ([^ ]+) five" 'one $2 three $1 five'
###    one four three two five

###  % echo "one two one four five" | resub "one ([^ ]+) " 'XXX $1 '
###    XXX two XXX four five

###  % echo "one two three four five one six three seven eight" | resub "one ([^ ]+) three ([^ ]+) " 'XXX $1 YYY $2 '
###    XXX two YYY four five XXX six YYY seven eight

H/T to @Charles Duffy re: (.*)$match(.*)


Set the var


then, echo with regex replacement on var

echo ${hello//[[:digit:]]/}

and this will print:


Extra - if you'd like the opposite (to get the digit characters)

echo ${hello//[![:digit:]]/}

and this will print:

  • That's pretty much the same code as the question. You're missing the part about how "the pattern field doesn't seem to support full regex syntax (if I use . or \s, for example, it tries to match the literal characters)." – You can't do echo ${hello//[[:digit:]\s]/} for example.
    – Adam Katz
    Commented Apr 20, 2022 at 3:20
  • @AdamKatz yeah, no biggie, it happens. Thx Commented Apr 22, 2022 at 20:51

This example in the input hello ugly world it searches for the regex bad|ugly and replaces it with nice


# arg1 = input              Example:  hello ugly world
# arg2 = search regex       Example:  bad|ugly
# arg3 = replace            Example:  nice
function regex_replace()
  # $1 = hello ugly world
  # $2 = bad|ugly
  # $3 = nice


  if [[ $1 =~ $re ]]; then
    # if there is a match
    # ${BASH_REMATCH[0]} = hello ugly world
    # ${BASH_REMATCH[1]} = hello 
    # ${BASH_REMATCH[2]} = ugly
    # ${BASH_REMATCH[3]} = world    

    # hello + nice + world
    echo ${BASH_REMATCH[1]}$3${BASH_REMATCH[3]}
    # if no match return original input  hello ugly world
    echo "$1"

# prints 'hello nice world'
regex_replace 'hello ugly world' 'bad|ugly' 'nice'

# to save output to a variable
x=$(regex_replace 'hello ugly world' 'bad|ugly' 'nice')
echo "output of replacement is: $x"

Trying to make it as small as possible using bash:

ls ${PATH//:/ }

It comes with a header per directory in your path, which you could choose to filter out with grep.


You can use python. This will be not efficient, but gets the job done with a bit more flexible syntax.

apply on file

The following pythonscript will replace "FROM" (but not "notFrom") with "TO".


import sys
import re

for line in sys.stdin:
    line = re.sub(r'(?<!not)FROM', 'TO', line)

You can apply that on a text file, like

$ cat test.txt
bla notFROM
bla bla
FROM bla

bla  notFROM FROM

bla FROM
bla bla

$ cat test.txt | python regex_replace.py
bla notFROM
bla bla
TO bla

bla  notFROM TO

bla TO
bla bla

apply on variable


echo $hello

import sys
import re

for line in sys.stdin:
    line = re.sub(r'[0-9]', '', line)
echo $hello | python -c "$PYTHON_CODE"


  • I'm downvoting this because I searched for "using regular expressions in Bash." Python won't help me to set my PS1 prompt (afaik).
    – Slothario
    Commented Jun 25, 2022 at 21:40

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